Explosion reported at ammunition depot in Khartoum

Explosion in the Sudanese capital Khartoum [Photo via social media]

Explosion in the Sudanese capital Khartoum [Photo via social media]

KHARTOUM – An explosion at arms and ammunition store in the southern part of the Sudanese capital Khartoum has been reported with the Sudanese army saying it has contained it without any human casualties.

The explosion, a statement by the General Command of the Sudanese Armed Forces said, took place on Friday in a depot in Shagera used to store little ammunition to be delivered for licensed pistols and cartridge ammunition.

“The fire was controlled by the civil defence and the firefighting equipment of the factory without loss of life”.

The explosion took place in a depot used to store little ammunition to be delivered for licensed pistols and cartridge ammunition.

“Munitions used by the armed forces are stored outside residential areas,” stressed the statement.

The depot was built underground with armored walls and secured against any possible explosions, the army added.

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