BREAKING: Aircraft crashes after take-off in Juba, dozens killed

Scene of the aircraft that crashed in Juba [Photo by Sudans Post]

Scene of the aircraft that crashed in Juba [Photo by Sudans Post]

JUBA – An aircraft belonging to the South West Airline has crashed following take-off at Juba International airport this morning killing most of the people on board, according to a number of eyewitnesses.

Speaking to Sudans Post this morning, one eyewitness said the plane which is said to be heading to an unnamed state took off from Juba International Airport at around 08:30 AM with dozens of passengers on board.

“The plane crash happened this morning after taking off from Juba [airport]. There are many people on board and there are also many people killed. The number of the people who died and who survived is not currently clear,” the eyewitness told Sudans Post from Juba this morning.

The eyewitness said the crash took place exactly at Hai Referendum but no one from the Juba neighboring was killed apart from those on board.

“The crash happened at Hai Referendum. No one is killed from outside apart from the people inside the aircraft,” the source added.

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