Honoring General Gabriel Jok Riak, a number 1 inspiring army soldier

By PaanLuel Wël

Photo: General Gabriel Jok Riak

Photo: General Gabriel Jok Riak

OPINION – General gabriel Jok Riak is a distinguished soldier of the country who deserves to be honored by all the people of South Sudan.

As we salute General  Johnson Juma Okot, the new Chief of General Staff, let’s honor and celebrate Gen. Gabriel Jok Riak, the outgoing Chief of General Staff, for his revolutionary courage and soldierly dedication during the war of liberation and for his distinguished services as Chief of General Staff from May 2018 to May 2020.

During the armed revolutionary struggle, CDR Jok Riak distinguished himself in various battlefields, including one in which he was critically wounded, prompting a joint visit by CDR John Garang and CDR Salva Kiir to a hospital in which he was admitted – under intensive care.

General Gabriel Jok Riak founded the, Jamus Battalion, Shield One, which is now the Sixth Infantry Division of the South Sudan People’s Defense Force (SSPDF).

Exemplary leaders work to make people feel strong, capable and committed. Leaders enable others to act not by hoarding the power they have, but by giving it away.

Exemplary leaders strengthen everyone’s capacity to deliver on the promises they make

This is the kind of leadership General Gabriel Jok shown  during his tenure as army chief.

PaanLuel Wël, is the managing editor of PaanLuel Wël Media (PW) website. He is also the Editor of The Genius of Dr. John Garang, vol. 1-3 (November, 2013), including Dr. John Garang’s Speeches on the War of Liberation (November, 2015) and Speeches on the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (November, 2015), Salva Kiir Mayaardit: The Joshua of South Sudan (with Simon Yel Yel, February, 2011), as well as The Customary Laws of the Greater Bor Dinka Community: Legal and Basic Rules for Self-Administration (July, 2017).

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