IGAD turns away Dr. Riek Machar over states stalemate – insider

Photo: The IGAD has told Dr. Riek Machar to dialogue with president Kiir to resolve the states dispute

Photo: The IGAD has told Dr. Riek Machar to dialogue with president Kiir to resolve the states dispute

JUBA – Dr. Riek Machar, South Sudan’s First Vice President and SPLM-IO leader, is said to have been told by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) to seek solution for the states stalemate within the collegial presidency.

President Salva Kiir’s office over the weekend issued a statement saying the parties to the revitalized peace agreement, including Dr. Riek Machar, had agreed to the distribution of state governors.

In the statement, Kiir said he and Dr. Riek Machar had agreed to allocate six states of Unity, Central Equatoria, Eastern Equatoria, Warrap, Lakes and Northern Bahr el-Ghazal.

He said Dr. Riek Machar had accepted to take three states of Western Equatoria, Western  Bahr el-Ghazal and Jonglei state. South Sudan Opposition Alliance would take Upper Nile state.

The relocation of Upper Nile state, one of the main strongholds for Machar, to South Sudan Opposition Alliance angered the SPLM-IO leader writing  to ask IGAD to step in to help resolve the matter.

According to a senior opposition official who spoke to Sudans Post from Juba, the IGAD response was to turn away Machar pointing him to the State House (J1)where president Slava Kiir is based.

He said the IGAD has responded by telling Machar to go and dialogue with Kiir as the “distribution of states is a matter that should be settled within the collegial South Sudan presidency and does not need any external mediator.”

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