Juba says it needs $18 million for implementation of Sudanese peace deal

South Sudan investment minister Dhieu Mathok Diing Wol [Photo by SUNA]

South Sudan investment minister Dhieu Mathok Diing Wol [Photo by SUNA]

JUBA – The South Sudan mediation has asked the international community for $18 million grand for the implementation of the Sudanese peace agreement which is expected to be signed in Juba next week.

Speaking during an exclusive interview with the Blue Nile TV on Friday, South Sudan’s investment minister Dhieu Mathok Diing said the government of South Sudan has continued to raise concerns as to how the implementation of the Sudanese peace deal is going to be funded.

“Of course there has been many challenges in bringing together the Sudanese parties, especially the rebel groups who are divided between selves,” Dhieu said. “Apart from this, the most difficult part of this agreement is who is going to fund. The implementation of the agreement needs around $18 million and we appeal to the international community to assist.”

The Sudanese parties in August initialed provisions of the peace agreement and it is expected to be signed in a landmark ceremony in the capital Juba with high-level regional and international attendance.

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