Juba University students being threatened by NSS over lawsuit

University of Juba [Photo via Norad]

University of Juba [Photo via Norad]

JUBA – Two of the recently dismissed Juba University students are saying that they are being threatened by members of the National Security Service (NSS) over a lawsuit they lodged against the university administration for ‘illegally’ dismissing them.

Last month, around 14 university students were dismissed by the University Senate over protests that triggered the University to shut down its doors for lectures until next week, November 28.

The student then lodged lawsuit against the University seeking to nullify the suspension.

Two of those students said in an interview with the Eye Radio that they have been called by members of the NSS asking them to suspend their lawsuits to and leave the country to avoid the risk they said will be associated with it.

“I was threatened seriously, that if I don’t leave Juba, I will be apprehended and they will ensure that I will not be out on bail, because ‘It is you now who is planning for protests’,” one of the students who didn’t reveal his name was quoted in teh interview as saying.

The students said the threat messages were relayed through a friend who warned them.

When contacted, Vice-Chancellor Prof John Akec said he was not aware of the threats.

“…but those who have been dismissed have an advocate who has filed the case and we are responding to that. So, allow the due process,” he added.

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