Kiir wins international peace award after signing of Sudanese peace deal in Juba

South Sudan president and leaders of Sudan during the initialing of the Sudanese peace deal in August [Photo by Reuters]

South Sudan president and leaders of Sudan during the initialing of the Sudanese peace deal in August [Photo by Reuters]

JUBA – South Sudan President Salva Kiir Mayardit has won an international peace prize from the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) after the Sudanese parties to the conflict signed the final peace agreement in Juba this afternoon.

The award is for the South Sudan head of state’s “tireless effort in bringing the Sudanese parties together.”

The ruling coalition government and a number of armed opposition groups this afternoon signed the long-awaited peace agreement, ending almost two decades of protracted civil conflict that has killed thousands of people in Darfur, Southern Blue Nile and the Nuba Mountains.

However, two main opposition groups have not signed the agreement.

The SPLM-North of General Abdel Aziz Adam al-Hilu and the SLM of Abdel  Wahid Nur have accused the ruling military of hijacking the 2019 revolution which resulted in teh toppling of long-time leader Omar al Bashir.


  • I’ do appreciated you my dear General H.E Salva Kiir mayardit the president of the Republic of South Sudan and his country part Sudanese president for their timely spending on peace deals for both sides to bring people together, May God bless you all.

  • Sebit nakidimo

    Thanks Mr. President , salva kiir for the good work u have done in which u love peace to exist may u continue in good work.

  • Manyiel Koth

    Many thanks to H.E president Salva for the job well done. This has showed to the two Sudans that their problem should be solve by themselves not outsiders. It’s now time for those Sudan parties who signed this peace to implement all the agreed issues.

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