Tutkew, Dhieu Mathok awarded for reconciling Sudanese belligerents

South Sudan presidential security advisor, right, and investment minister Dhieu Mathok in Khartoum in 2018 [Photo bu SUNA]

South Sudan presidential security advisor, right, and investment minister Dhieu Mathok in Khartoum in 2018 [Photo bu SUNA]

JUBA – South Sudan’s Presidential Advisor on Security Affairs, Tutkew Gatluak Manimeh, and the country’s investment minister, Dhieu Mathok Diing Wol, have been awarded for their “unwavering” efforts and commitment in helping Sudanese belligerents, who eventually signed a peace agreement today, reconcile.

The award were made in Juba this afternoon following the signing of the final Sudanese peace deal.

Tutkew is a close ally to president Salva Kiir Mayardit and leaders of the ruling coalition in Khartoum.

Since the Sudanese peace process was started in 2018, the two men have been at the epicenter of reconciliation between Sudanese rebel forces and the ruling military.

He is the chief mediator for the Sudanese peace talks and has helped in the tough work of reconciling the Sudanese parties who have been in a bloody civil war for almost 20 years. Mathok has also been working with him in the efforts which has taken two full years.

The Sudanese parties on Saturday signed a landmark peace agreement ending 17 years of conflict in the restive regions of Darfur, Southern Blue Nile, and the Nuba mountains.

Prominent opposition groups, namely the SPLM-North led by General Abdel Aziz Adam al-Hillu, and the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SLM/A) led by renegade Abdel Wahid Nur, have not signed the agreement.

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