Opposition delegates living under ‘terrible circumstances’ in Juba – official

Major-General David Nyang Kueth, senior representative of South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA) [Photo by Sudans Post]

Major-General David Nyang Kueth, senior representative of South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA) [Photo by Sudans Post]

JUBA – A senior representative of South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA) said he and some of his colleagues from other opposition groups including the SPLM-IO, are living under terrible conditions in hotels due to unpaid bills.

Speaking during the CTSAMVM meeting in Juba on Thursday, Maj. Gen. David Nyang Kueth, senior representative of SSOA said the hotel’s management continues to deny them services such as electricity, food, and water.

“So, such accommodations have no basic services including electricity. My place has no electricity because they have not been paid,” Nyang said.

The official further raised fear of being chased out of hotels if the government failed to clear all unpaid arrears in the near future.

“Most of us are struggling to feed ourselves, and the last incentive we received from NTC for feeding was in August last year,” he expressed.

“Even under those terrible circumstances, we are still committed to doing our national duties, working every day, going to the field and doing what is necessary if it can make a difference to our people,” he said.

In March 20th, 2019, The National Pre-transitional Committee, now known as National Transitional Committee said it will only end the hotel bills for peace delegates until the beginning of the Transitional Period.

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