Parties in another deadlock as Kiir demands formation of state gov’ts without Upper Nile, counties

President Salva Kiir and First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny speaking to the press in February 2020 ahead of the dissolution of the former incumbent TGoNU [Photo via Radio Tamazuj]

President Salva Kiir and First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny speaking to the press in February 2020 ahead of the dissolution of the former incumbent TGoNU [Photo via Radio Tamazuj]

JUBA – South Sudan parties have come to another deadlock after President Salva Kiir Mayardit demanded the formation of state governments without that of Upper Nile state and the counties, according to a senior opposition official.

The parties have agreed on the responsibility sharing at the states’ level, but have not reached an agreement on the Counties and another disagreement on General Johnson Olony remain unresolved.

Speaking to Sudans Post this afternoon from Juba, a senior SPLM-IO official said President Salva Kiir’s team at the talk have demanded that state governments be formed  and the  dispute on counties and Upper Nile state governor be resolved at a later date.

“There is another deadlock. As we speak, the representative of President Salva Kiir are saying that Upper Nile state government be formed at later date as well as the county distribution be done later,” the opposition official said from Juba on phone.

“The SPLM-IO has rejected this and we will not accept to do that because there is no any reason other than that the former ITGONU is dragging its feeds on the formation of counties government and the appointment of General Johnson Olony,” the official added.

Last week, the SPLM-IO rejected any formation of the state governments before the appointment of General Johnson Olony Thabo saying there was no concrete reason why the President would reject his appointment as he is the SPLM-IO nominee.

Kiir rejected Olony’s appointment saying the opposition leader is a warmonger who may stare up situation in the oil-rich Upper Nile state.

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