S. Sudan: Padang community threatens to boycott conference if Machar given role

South Sudan map featuring Upper Nile state in red [Photo by Wikipedia]

South Sudan map featuring Upper Nile state in red [Photo by Wikipedia]

JUBA – South Sudan’s Padang community of Upper Nile state are furious over a statement issued by the country’s First Vice President and SPLM-IO leader Dr. Riek Machar Teny over the commencement of Upper Nile state conference, saying it will boycott the conference if Machar is given role.

On Monday, Machar issued a statement saying the planned Upper Nile state conference would take place from December 16, to December 19. However, in what appears to be disagreements over the organization of the conference, Machar issued another statement calling off the conference.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Padang community said they reject any role for Machar in the conference, accusing him of being behind the destruction the oil-rich state has been undergoing since the onset of the civil war.

“First of all, the Padang community would like to appreciate HE the President for step taken to bring peace to the country. We, the leaders of Padang representing counties including Baliet, Akoka, Maluth and Renk got surprised by the press release which was issued by Dr. Rick Machar the First Vice President of the Republic dated to 13 December, 2020, where he called for Upper Nile Conference scheduled to take place on 16 to 19 December 2020 in Juba,” the statement extended to Sudans Post said.

“Dr. Riek Machar decision to hold meeting in Juba is contrary to Presidency press release, which stated that it is the President who should issue decree for preparation of the reconciliation conferences for the communities of the Upper Nile State,” it added.

The statement said: “As result, the Padang Communities strongly rejecting this unilaterally move of Dr. Rick Machar and Padang Community in Upper Nile State decided not to attend this conference.

“Dr. Riek Machar as chairman of SPLM-IO is the cause of destruction and killing of innocent civilians in Padang areas and his forces are still occupying Padang areas.

“Dr. Riek Machar Contradictory statement about Upper Nile Communities conference, which is contrary to Presidency statement, dated to 9 December 2020, articles 3 and 4 where it stated that the President shall issue a decree to formalize of the decision of Presidency and not Riek Machar to do so.”

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