SPLM-IO diplomat comes to aid of former Sudanese army instructor living under inhuman conditions in Khartoum

Former Sudanese army sergeant James Dingnyang Hoth, center, SPLM-IO ambassador to Egypt Gatkuoth Biel Nyang, left, and Sudanese army Brigadier in Khartoum [Photo courtesy]

Former Sudanese army sergeant James Dingnyang Hoth, center, SPLM-IO ambassador to Egypt Gatkuoth Biel Nyang, left, and Sudanese army Brigadier in Khartoum [Photo courtesy]

KHARTOUM – A senior SPLM-IO diplomat has come to the aid of a former instructor for the Sudanese army who was facing uncertain future at a street in the Sudanese capital Khartoum, the Sudans Post has learned.

Former Sudanese army Sergeant James Dingnyang Hoth’s life was at a crossroad when a “Good Samaritan,” the SPLM-IO ambassador to Egypt Gatkuoth Biel Nyang, found him on a Khartoum street during a rainy weather at a deplorable living conditions.

Dingnyang who is known to his former colleagues at the military college in Khartoum as James Daniel, joined the Sudanese army in the 1980s and left the service fourteen years later in the year 2000.

Since then, Dingnyang who never has his pensions remained in Khartoum and shifted to selling books at Comboni ground for many years until he encountered a paralysis in his left hand and leg due to poor living conditions.

In July, 10 days before the Adha Muslim feast, Amb. Gatkuoth came across a man suffering from paralysis and as the floods was about to struck Khartoum, the SPLM-IO diplomat decided to accord him an hotel room and took him to a hospital the following day.

“I am thank to God that he send him my way,” Dingnyang told Sudans Post in an exclusive interview with Sudans Post. “I am not sure of what would have happened to me but I thank God that I am to my normal life now though I remain concerned.”

Ambassador Gatkuoth said following a slight recovery, he decided to take him to the military college in Khartoum where he previously worked as a instructor. He said he was then welcomed by his former students currently with high ranks in the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF).

Dingnyang in a hospital with Gatkuoth Biel Nyang [Photo courtesy]

Dingnyang in a hospital with Gatkuoth Biel Nyang [Photo courtesy]

“Because of the situation that he is in, he still need help. I took him to the military college where he worked as instructor. He then met many of his former students who are high-ranking officers in the SAF now and he was welcomed,” Gatkuoth said.

The man in now living at a hotel room with Gatkuoth in Central Khartoum as he recovers from the paralysis in his hand and leg.

Dingnyang hails from Unity state’s Rubkona county and none of his family members contacted by Gatkuoth have shown up.

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