SPLM-IO official blames Machar for accepting swearing of 2 governors without Olony  

South Sudan FVP and SPLM-IO chairperson Dr. Riek Machar Teny addresses the arbitration panel on July 22, 2009 at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague during the ruling on the dispute between north and south Sudan over the Abyei region boundaries. [Photo via Getty Images]

South Sudan FVP and SPLM-IO chairperson Dr. Riek Machar Teny addresses the arbitration panel on July 22, 2009 at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague during the ruling on the dispute between north and south Sudan over the Abyei region boundaries. [Photo via Getty Images]

JUBA – South Sudan’s First Vice President Dr. Riek Machar Teny did a major mistake when he accepted that two governors of Western Bahr el Ghazal and Western Equatoria state take oath of office before the third SPLM-IO-nominated governor is appointed, a senior SPLM-IO official said.

Machar had in June nominated General Johnson Olony as the governor of the country’s Upper Nile state. However, President Salva Kiir Mayardit rejected his nominated and did not appoint him to the position saying he would mess the security situation in the oil-rich state.

Speaking to Sudans Post today, Duer Tut Duer, former SPLM-IO governor of Sobat state and a senior member of the group’s National Liberation Council (NLC), said Machar should have rejected the swearing in of the two governors to pressure Kiir to appoint Olony.

“The major mistake was that, Riek Machar attended the Oath taking ceremony and allowed the Governor of Western Equatoria to take oath together with other Governors,” Duer said.

“He (Riek) was supposed to put condition to Salva that, the two SPLM-IO governors will not take Oath before the appointment of that of Upper Nile State. Salva Kiir comes out publicly that he doesn’t want Olony and Riek Machar never encountered,” he added.

Duer further added that the continued rejection of the SPLM-IO nominee by President Salva Kiir Mayardit is “a clear violation of the right and freedom of SPLM-IO to decide what is better for it and indicates the absence of political will of the SPLM-IG to work with the SPLM-IO.”

“It shows the absence of political will of Salva Kiir to implement the Agreement and also indicates the fact that Salva Kiir doesn’t want to work with Riek Machar. It means that Salva Kiir doesn’t give much consideration and attention to the Upper Nile State and its people.”

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