Why General Michael Chiangjiek Geay deserves reappointment to the ministry of interior –  part one

By Damosip Deng  Akook

Former interior minister Michael Chiangjiek Geay [Photo via Facebook]

Former interior minister Michael Chiangjiek Geay [Photo via Facebook]

OPINION – Before the appointment of Hon. Gen Michael Chiangjiek as a minister of interior in 2016, the citizens of South Sudan were experiencing high crime rates like insecurity inform of unknown gunmen, highway robberies, night and day robberies, etc. However, all these crimes particularly the unknown gunmen became a thing of the past in Juba and other major towns after the president of the Republic of South Sudan appointed an experienced liberator, Lt Gen Michael Chiangjiek Geay, as the National  Minister of Interior in 2016. The appointment of Gen. Michael Chiangjiek as a Minister of Interior in 2016 resulted into immediate end of unknown gunmen, night robberies, highway robberies, and many other forms of crimes.  His appointment as a Minister of Interior in 2016 led to the transformation and reformation of South Sudan Police Service into a professional police force.

The success of Gen. Michael Chiangjiek in ending crimes and transforming police, is attributed to his long term experiences in the security sector particularly the knowledge he had gained in the liberation struggle when he was a head of military intelligence in Western Upper Nile from 2003-2005. Gen. Michael Chiangjiek has a vast practical and theoretical knowledge in security sector and this explains why he succeeded in executing his roles and duties as a National Minister of Interior from 2016 to 2020. For those who don’t know the academic background of Gen. Michael Chiangjiek. Gen. Michael Chiangjiek holds a master degree in security studies and he is currently a PhD candidate. Prior to this, he has a practical knowledge in security which he gained during liberation struggle (1983_2005) particularly when he was in SPLA signal unit from 1991 to 1993, GIS and PS Director from 1998 to 1999, Director for military intelligence in Western Upper Nile from 2003 to 2005.

In March, 2020 during the formation of the Revitalised Transitional Government of National Unity, President Salva Kiir Mayardit shifted Gen. Michael Chiangjiek Gray from the ministry of Interior to the National Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Development. Following his removal from the National Ministry of Interior, the high crime rates inform of unknown gunmen, robberies which his leadership managed to eradicate during his tenure ( 2016-2020)  became the things of the day in Juba City and other major towns across South Sudan. Gen. Michael Chiangjiek Geay succeeded in creating a conductive environment, freed from unknown gunmen, night & day robberies, highway robberies and other forms of crimes in Juba City and other towns. The following were the achievements of Gen. Michael Chiangjiek Geay during his tenure as a National Minister of Interior from  2016 to 2020.

  1. Stabilisation of security through the eradication of all forms of crimes across S. Sudan

In fact, the citizens of South Sudan were living in fear of unknown gunmen, Toronto boys, and other criminals before the appointment of Gen. Michael as a national minister of Interior. However, the appointment of Gen. Michael as a minister of interior in 2016 rescued the citizens from unknown gunmen, Toronto boys etc. It is undeniable that the then minister of interior Lt Gen. Michael Chiangjiek ( 2016-2020) combated all forms of crimes in Juba City and other areas in South Sudan. The fear of criminals was completely erased from the mind of South Sudanese during the tenure of Gen. Michael Chiangjiek as a minister of interior. This is because 90% of the criminals were incarcerated  by the police forces and 10% of those criminals abandoned the criminal activities due to the fear of being arrested by the police forces under the leadership of Gen. Michael Chiangjiek.  Juba City and other towns were like paradise during the tenure of Chiangjiek as a minister of interior (2016-March 2020) because they were freed from unknown gunmen, Toronto boys and other criminals.

  1. Reformation and transformation of South Sudan Police Service

The then minister of Interior Lt. Gen Michael Chiangjiek transformed the police force from a unprofessional force into a professional police force. He accomplished the reformation of police through training, recruitment of educated youth into police, strengthening of police to combat crimes and human trafficking, timely administering of funds for police patrolling unit and operations, maintain of discipline among the police forces.

In conclusion, the entire citizens of South Sudan are appealing to the President to reappoint Hon. Lt Gen Michael Chiangjiek to the National Ministry of Interior. His reappointment as a national minister of interior will rescue the vulnerable citizens from the fear of unknown gunmen, Toronto boys and other criminals. The citizens are yearning for his reappointment to the ministry of interior because he will immediately combat all forms of crimes and recreate a conducive environment for all in Juba City and other areas in South Sudan.

The writer is a political analyst and a concerned citizen. He can be reached via: ayokthonakoon@gmail.com.

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