
AbzasMedia director claims systematic torture in pretrial detention center

Ülvi Həsənli. Foto: Meydan TV

The director of Abzas Media, Ulvi Hasanli, who has been in custody since November last year, has reported instances of torture in pretrial detention center No. 1.

In his statement, Hasanli described hearing and witnessing severe mistreatment, including physical beatings and inhumane conditions.

Hasanli detailed various forms of torture, such as beatings that caused severe injuries, hanging prisoners in handcuffs, forcing them to sleep on concrete floors and other degrading practices. He claimed that despite reporting these incidents to the Penitentiary Service leadership, the pre-trial detention center, and the ombudsman, no action was taken.

According to Hasanli, torture typically occurs between 9 and 10 a.m., targeting those who protest or demand their rights. He stated that the prison administration justifies the violence by labeling the victims as problematic prisoners, asserting that such measures are necessary to maintain order. He described how prisoners are tortured under signs stating “No to torture,” highlighting the irony of the situation.

Hasanli accused specific officials, including Lieutenant Colonel Jeyhun Hajiyev, Captain Javid Gyulaliyev, and Warrant Officer Parviz Guliyev, of being principal perpetrators. He called for a serious investigation into the allegations and accountability for those responsible.

In the first half of 2024, Hasanli documented 58 cases of torture and inhumane treatment, emphasizing the widespread nature of the issue.

In response, the Penitentiary Service’s press office told the Turan agency that Hasanli’s claims are unfounded and that no prisoners or their lawyers have filed such complaints.

Ulvi Hasanli and several other Abzas Media employees were arrested in November 2023 on charges of foreign currency smuggling, which they claim are fabricated. The investigation into their case is ongoing.

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