
Daily COVID-19 cases around 800 as doctors complain about Medical Association

On January 6, 799 people were infected.

On January 6, 799 people were infected with COVID-19 in Azerbaijan.

The statement came from the Operational Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers.

According to the report, 2383 people were treated and 26 patients died.

The Operations Headquarters noted that 222,200 people have been infected with the new coronavirus in Azerbaijan so far.

"201,596 of them were treated and 2,818 patients died. At present, the number of active patients is 17,786," the statement said.

The headquarters said that 2 million 231 thousand 993 tests were conducted in the past period: "Today's number of tests is 9364."

Doctors complain about medical association

In early November, the Medical Territorial Units Management Association (TƏBİB) received a complaint from doctors employed in modular hospitals.

They say that they applied for vacancies and were hired, but then they were deceived.

The doctors want their names to be kept secret because they are currently working and do not think they will receive their promised salaries. They say that at first they were promised 5 times the normal salary. However, they later paid a monthly salary of 250 AZN (147 USD).

In addition, they were given jobs without responsibilities: “We applied for that job by sending a CV. In November, we received a call from TƏBİB and were told to approach the Absheron Modular Hospital for recruitment. They said they would tell us detailed information about the case at the hospital. "

According to the complainants, they then approached the hospital and met with its chief physician, Shafa Yusubova. When they asked about the employment contract, they were told contracts would be signed within 1-2 weeks. Complaints to the hotline were left unanswered.

The complainants say that the work done by the management is illegal because it is a crime to employ people without a contract.

When asked, TƏBİB told Meydan TV that it would investigate the complaint.

Ana səhifəNewsDaily COVID-19 cases around 800 as doctors complain about Medical Association