
Friday Wrap-up: Animal rights activist arrests and reports on femicide and mine deaths

The week of 7-13 August in Azerbaijan, explained.

The week of 7-13 August saw the arrests of animal rights activists, and the publication of reports on femicide and mine deaths.

Animal rights activists say they are under pressure

Animal rights


Nijat Ismayilov, Elkhan Mirzayev and Nijat Azayev were each sentenced to 15 days of administrative detention for protesting the stray dog collection agency, "Toplan". Activists had repeatedly protested the collection center. They believe the dogs are being mistreated, and demanded to be let in, but were denied entry.

When the activists were escorted by police from the courthouse to the bus, they claimed that the arrest warrant had been ordered by the people in charge of Toplam.

Prosecutor General's Office: 33 women were murdered in 6 months

In the first six months of this year alone, 33 women were


. The statement came from the Prosecutor General's Office of Azerbaijan.

The prosecutor's office said in a statement that mental and physical violence against women is a serious threat to a healthy society. The biggest obstacle in the fight against violence against women is silence.

According to gender activist Gulnara Mehdiyeva, in July alone, nine women in Azerbaijan were killed by either their husbands or lovers.

In their statements, women's rights activists and gender activists often see the main problem in the field of domestic violence as the failure of the relevant agencies to investigate complaints in a normal way.

They say that if the police investigate women's complaints, take action against the perpetrator and are not inclined to reconcile the family, the number of crimes against women will be significantly reduced.

Azerbaijan's Prosecutor General has released landmine statistics

On 11 August, the Prosecutor General's Office of Azerbaijan released


on civilian casualties and injuries related to mines in the regained areas through the Fall 2020 War.

According to the statement, 23 civilians have been killed and 36 injured by landmines from 10 November 2020 to 11 August 2021.

Between 1992 and 2021, 639 civilians were killed and 2,806 injured in landmines in the region.

Ana səhifəNewsFriday Wrap-up: Animal rights activist arrests and reports on femicide and mine deaths