
Friday Wrap-up: feminist protest, animals activists and prevented action

Illustration: Meydan TV

The week of September 25 – 30 saw support for Iranian women in Baku, animals activists punished and protest organizers arrested before the actions.

Feminist activists burned a symbolic ummah in Baku as a form of support to Iranian women

Feminists activists supporting Iranian women held an action in Baku early this week.

They first protested in front of the Iranian Embassy in Azerbaijan. There, the police expelled them from the venue. From there, they went to the Free Woman statue, where they burned a symbolic ummah.

“This symbolizes Khamenei’s failure to suck. We express our support for Iranian women by burning it at the feet of a free woman. If not in front of the embassy, ​​but in front of the statue of the Free Woman… Irtyka’s suck will always burn and be destroyed!”, one of them proclaimed before the act.

Anti-government protests have been going on in Iran for 11 days. Protests began across the country over the death of a 22-year-old woman. Mahsa Amini was taken to the police station for violating hijab rules and died there. Activists say the woman was beaten to death by the moral police.

Animal activists are sentenced because of social media posts denouncing a care center for straight dogs

Four social activists defending the rights of animals – Ilhama Nasirova, Elkhan Mirzayev, Aynur Babazade and Nijat Ismayilov – were punished for their opinions about the “Toplan” Care Center for Stray Dogs. On September 27, they were convicted and sentenced in the Khatai District Court for defamation and insult. In addition, they are also obliged to pay compensation for moral damage. 

Two special prosecutors, Gunel Musayeva and Jalal Mikayilov, are veterinarians of “Toplan”, who filed a case under special charges and demanded that the activists be punished. They claimed that the honor and dignity of the mentioned social activists were tarnished and their reputation was damaged as a result of what they wrote on social networks.

Accused social activists say that this lawsuit is biased and ordered. They believe that they are being punished for their activities related to the protection of animal rights, publicizing issues related to cruel treatment of dogs in “Toplan” and protesting.

Police detains opposition activists before protest

Azerbaijan People’s Front Party (APPF) has announced last week that it will hold an action in front of the Milli Majlis on September 30 to object to the requirements of the draft law “On Political Parties” submitted to the Milli Majlis on September 7. At the same time, they said that they would voice their demands for freedom, free elections, democratic changes, opening of land borders, organizing the return of Azerbaijanis facing the threat of military mobilization in Russia.

The party asked for permission to protest and did not get it. However, it was planned to carry it out anyway.

As a result, the police decided to arrest main figures of the opposition who were involved in the organization of the action, such as Tofig Yagublu, in front of their houses before they would go to protest. They also detained journalist Anar Abdulla and two members of the Muslim Union Movement (MUM).

Ana səhifəFeaturedFriday Wrap-up: feminist protest, animals activists and prevented action