
Tofig Yagublu released on house arrest

The decision was made by the Baku Court of Appeals on 18 September.

Tofig Yagublu has been released on house arrest. The decision was made by the Baku Court of Appeals on 18 September.

Tofig Yagublu was on a hunger strike for seventeen days in protest of his conviction and sentencing. Due to his serious condition, he was transferred on 12 September from Pre-Trial Detention Center No. 3 to a private clinic.

Yagublu, a member of the National Council and Musavat Party, was convicted of hooliganism in early September and was sentenced to four years and three months in prison. The 59 year-old politician launched a hunger strike in protest of what he called an “unfair” trial process.

His family members and supporters called the conviction politically motivated.

Ana səhifəNewsTofig Yagublu released on house arrest