
Worker rights and freedom of association under threat: unrest grows in Azerbaijan over activists’ arrests

Photo: HakanGider/Shutterstock

Protests have surged in Azerbaijan amidst mounting concerns over a series of arrests targeting independent organizations and voices critical of President Ilham Aliyev’s administration.

The Azerbaijan People’s Front Party (APFP) has released a statement condemning the recent repression of couriers and activists associated with the Workers’ Platform.

Adding to the escalating tension, Ayxan Israfilov, a member of the Workers’ Platform Confederation of Trade Unions’ Executive Committee, has been arrested. This development comes in the wake of the arrest of Afaddin Mammadov, the head of the Workers’ Platform, who was detained following his participation in a courier protest on August 1.

The situation has prompted the Democracy-1918 Movement’s (D-18) leader, Ahmed Mammadli, to share his insights with Meydan TV. Mammadli reveals that Ayxan Israfilov’s arrest marks the fourth instance in the past 11 days where a member of the Workers’ Platform has been targeted. He emphasizes the likelihood of Israfilov’s detention under administrative pretenses, highlighting the recurring nature of these scenarios.

In a broader context, the crackdown extends to Elvin Mustafayev, another member of the Workers’ Platform, who was arrested on August 4. Mustafayev faces narcotics charges as criminal proceedings are initiated against him.

Ahmed Mammadli emphasizes the significance of couriers within Azerbaijani society, stating that they are integral to the community. He notes that these individuals face scrutiny and intimidation, with the most daring figures often arrested and subjected to pressure.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs Press Service has confirmed to Meydan TV that Ayxan Israfilov was indeed detained by the police, adding that an investigation is underway. The public can expect further updates as the inquiry progresses.

These developments come amid growing concerns over the Aliyev administration’s approach to dissent and its implications for human rights and democratic freedoms in Azerbaijan.

ГлавнаяNewsWorker rights and freedom of association under threat: unrest grows in Azerbaijan over activists’ arrests