Cleaning and preserving seashells

A how to guide for cleaning your seashells


Many people pick up a seashell or two while on vacation at the beach. It makes a nice inexpensive momento of their vacation. The problems do not occur until they realize that if not cleaned properly, seashells can have a devastating effect. From glares of other travelers wondering why you have not showered, to airport authorities searching through your bags for the unknown odor emitting from them. Properly cleaned seashells, on the other hand, will show no such effects. Many times seashells actually look considerably nicer without any algae and barnacles covering them. The natural color of seashells are often quite different from what you find at the beach. A good cleaning is all that is needed to bring this out and destroy any odors the seashells might have.


How to clean a live seashells


How to clean a dead seashells


For sanddollars and other sealife see preserving sealife