What's happening with Trinity

Diagram of A option lane configuration Because the state of New Mexico maintains a large part of Trinity Drive, and is planning to reconfigure it somehow, the council wisely decided to develop a master plan for the roadway. This will allow the community of Los Alamos to provide NMDOT with a vision of what we'd like for the area, rather than leaving state to decide on their own.

In 2010, Los Alamos County and MIG began investigating possible design improvements to Trinity Drive from the gate to Diamond. After numerous meetings with the public, local business owners, and various county boards and commissions, the county Council directed to continue looking into two options--A2 and A3--which would reconfigure the road to have a single through lane in each direction, with bus pull-outs, bike lanes, wider sidewalks, more and easier pedestrian crossings, and a combination of roundabouts and our existing signals; all for a 20-second delay in peak hour driving times with no difference during non-peak hours.

After a peer-review of the roundabouts by Ourston Engineering, which recommended two-lane roundabouts, council directed county staff to enlarge their "Technical Advisory Committee" and come back with a recommended treatment in December 2011.

This site exists as a resource to promote completing the walkability, cycleability, and driveability of our downtown area, and to keep people informed of important upcoming events.

Upcoming Events

January 19, at 5:30: T-Board meeting to select a TAC design option to recommend to council. 2101 Trinity Drive Public Works Conference Room (behind JR Clothing)

Hello Valley Charter School!

Two students from the College Prep class at Valley Charter School liked trinitydr.info and suggested folks interested in learning more about roundabouts visit the Traffic Circles and Roundabouts page. Thanks, guys!

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