UNOPS tendered keys for the second half of 2022

UNOPS tendered keys for the second half of 2022 In accordance with the purchase requirement delivered by INSABI, UNOPS launched the procurement process for the supply of medicines, supplies and medical devices for the second half of 2022 through international public tenders ITB / 2021/32162 and ITB/ 2021/34626, for a total of 634 codes corresponding to 360 medicines and 274 codes for medical supplies and devices. The deadline for receiving bids ended on January 21, 2022 and the bids received are in the process of being evaluated.

UNOPS consolidated numbers of the purchase 2021

878 million pieces of medicines and healing materials were purchased by INSABI and UNOPS in 7 countries .

  • 1,050
    Keys purchased
    707 for medicines and
    343 for healing materials
  • 506,000,000
    of pieces delivered until May the 4th 2022.
  • +2,200 million USD
  • +500 million USD
    of projected savings
  • 161
  • 878 millions
    of pieces of medicines and healing materials were acquired

UNOPS contracted vendors

Access the contracts issued by UNOPS for the purchase of medicines and medical supplies and devices for 2021

Keys contracted through international public tenders (ITB)

In this list, the ITB processes are found, where the contracted keys, description, offering provider, offer currency, price, tendered quantity and contracted quantity are shown, for the purchase of medicines, medical supplies and devices.

506,000,000 pieces delivered until April the 4th 2022

We invite you to watch the photo galleries of the deliveries:

Delivery from suppliers to logistics operators

On a daily basis, the suppliers contracted by UNOPS deliver medicines, supplies and medical devices to warehouses designated by the Institutions of the Mexican Health Sector that participate in the consolidated purchase.
The photo galleries of deliveries in warehouses can be consulted here:

Delivery of the Health Sector to the final point (last mile)

Suppliers contracted by UNOPS deliver medicines, supplies and medical devices daily to the warehouses designated by the Mexican Health Sector Institutions that participate in the consolidated purchase. The institutions of the Health Sector, through logistics operators, coordinate the distribution of supplies to state warehouses and hospital centers.

Entregas en punto final

UNOPS due diligence process to improve market transparency, and promote effective competitionn

The purchase made by UNOPS, in conjunction with health institutions, is carried out under strict international standards that seek to ensure that the Mexican population has the highest health benefits. Likewise, it has been possible to increase competitiveness and reduce market concentration, as a result there are a greater number of suppliers that offer their products with better prices and quality. All the companies that have been hired have gone through a strict process that guarantees transparency and competitiveness.

Fair Public Management for the transparent and efficient procurement of medicines and medical aid supplies in Mexico

For the procurement of medicines and medical aid supplies, UNOPS promotes the implementation of Fair Public Management, which is a comprehensive approach that allows governments to implement actions that increase efficiency, profitability, innovation, integrity and transparency.

Applying the principles of Fair Public Management, UNOPS processes will seek to maximize the transparency and efficiency of public spending, generating savings with the highest quality, allowing the procurement of more medicines and medical aid supplies, hence ensuring that a greater number of people across Mexico have access to the healthcare they need.

UNOPS governance
Who monitors UNOPS and ensures transparency?

As a United Nations agency, UNOPS operates in a transparent and responsible manner, under the principles of access to information, accountability and the promotion of spaces for open dialogue.

UNOPS carries out the international public bidding process with multiple quality and control filters, according to standards of integrity, transparency and open competition, which limit all types of preferential treatment to any bidder.

The governing body of UNOPS is its Executive Board, made up of 36 member states of the United Nations that rotate regularly and are elected for a three-year term. The Board establishes its accountability framework, mechanisms and supervision policies.

In addition to the role of the Executive Board, UNOPS is overseen by:

  • The Internal Auditand Investigations Group, which is fully dedicated to UNOPS.
  • The Audit Advisory Committee.
  • The United Nations Board of Auditors, whose responsibility is exercised by the Comptroller General of Accounts of a member country that rotates every 4 years.
  • The UN Joint Inspection Unit, which is an external and independent oversight body of the UN.