Storage in the Yard

by Admin

Posted on 08-06-2024 04:19 PM

I found some glulam beams for sale on craiglist for half the price of new beams. The only problem is that they have been sitting in this persons yard for 13 years. They were covered by sheets of metal roofing i am told, and they are raised off of the ground 4 inches with airflow underneath. The beams are not wrapped or treated so assume that the sides of the beams are open to the air/ moisture. checking I live in rainy oregon. So my question is how do glulam beams hold up to this kind of storage? would they still be safe to use?.

Can structural glued laminated timber (glulam) be used outdoors?

Glulam beams manufactured by apa members are certified with the apa trademark. species The mark signifies that the manufacturer is committed to a rigorous program of quality verification and testing and that products are manufactured in conformance with ansi standard a190. 1, standard for wood products—structural glued laminated timber. The apa trademark is recognized by all major model building codes.

What is a glulam?

The principles of glulam construction are believed to date back to the 1860s, in the assembly room of king edward vi college , a school in southampton , england. The first patent however emerged in 1901 when otto karl freidrich hetzer, a carpenter from weimar , germany, patented this method of construction. Approved in switzerland, hetzer's patent explored creating a straight beam out of several laminations glued together. In 1906 he received a patent in germany for curved sections of glulam. Other countries in europe soon began approving patents and by 1922, glulam had been used in 14 countries.

If your question about glulam is not answered here, please get in touch. Please note that the answer you’re looking for may be covered in specifications/about.

Glulam is an abbreviation of glue laminated timber. It is made by bonding together layers of timber using a very durable adhesive. Lots of smaller layers are stuck together to make a larger piece of timber. Visit our ‘what is glulam?’ page for more on this.