Package rekall :: Module ipython_support
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Source Code for Module rekall.ipython_support

  1  #!/usr/bin/python 
  3  # Rekall Memory Forensics 
  4  # Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. 
  5  # 
  6  # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
  7  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
  8  # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at 
  9  # your option) any later version. 
 10  # 
 11  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
 12  # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 14  # General Public License for more details. 
 15  # 
 16  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
 17  # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
 18  # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 
 19  # 
 21  """Support IPython 4.0.""" 
 23  # pylint: disable=protected-access 
 25  __author__ = "Michael Cohen <>" 
 26  import logging 
 27  import re 
 28  import time 
 30  import readline 
 32  from pygments.token import Token 
 33  from pygments import styles 
 35  import IPython 
 36  from IPython.core import page 
 37  from IPython.core import oinspect 
 38  from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell 
 39  from IPython.terminal import embed 
 40  from IPython.terminal import prompts 
 42  try: 
 43      from traitlets.config.loader import Config 
 44  except ImportError: 
 45      from IPython.config.loader import Config 
 47  from rekall import constants 
 48  from rekall import config 
 49  from rekall import session as session_module 
 50  from rekall_lib import utils 
 53  config.DeclareOption( 
 54      "--highlighting_style", default="monokai", type="Choices", 
 55      choices=list(styles.get_all_styles()), 
 56      help="Highlighting style for interactive console.") 
59 -def RekallCompleter(self, text):
60 """Sophisticated command line completer for Rekall.""" 61 try: 62 command_parts = self.line_buffer.split(" ") 63 command = command_parts[0] 64 65 if command.startswith("plugins."): 66 command = command[len("plugins."):] 67 68 global_matches = set(self.global_matches(command)) 69 70 # Complete strings which look like symbol names. 71 m = re.match("\"([^!]+![^\"]*)$", command_parts[-1]) 72 if m: 73 session = self.namespace.get("session") 74 75 # If this is the only match, close the quotes to save typing. 76 result = session.address_resolver.search_symbol( + "*") 77 if len(result) == 1: 78 result = [result[0] + "\""] 79 80 result = [utils.SmartUnicode(x.split("!", 1)[1]) for x in result] 81 return result 82 83 # Only complete if there is exactly one object which matches and a space 84 # was typed after it. e.g.: pslist <cursor> 85 if (command in global_matches and len(command_parts) > 1): 86 # Get the object and ask it about the list of args that it supports. 87 obj = self.namespace.get(command) 88 if obj: 89 try: 90 matches = [ 91 "%s=" % x["name"] for x in obj.Metadata()["arguments"]] 92 return [utils.SmartUnicode(x) 93 for x in matches if x.startswith(text)] 94 except Exception: 95 pass 96 97 return [] 98 99 # Wide exception is necessary here because otherwise the completer will 100 # swallow all errors. 101 except Exception as e: 102 logging.debug(e) 103 104 return []
105 106
107 -class RekallObjectInspector(oinspect.Inspector):
108 """Rekall specific object inspector. 109 110 Rekall populates the environment with "plugin runners" which are proxies of 111 the actual plugin that will be invoked. The exact plugin will be invoked 112 depending on the profile availability. 113 114 In order to make ipython's ? and ?? operators work, we need to implement 115 specialized inspection to present the doc strings and arg list of the actual 116 plugin. 117 """ 118
119 - def _format_parameter(self, displayfields, arg):
120 desc = arg["help"] 121 try: 122 type = arg["type"] 123 if type in ["Choices", "ChoiceArray"] and arg["choices"]: 124 desc += " (type: %s: %s)" % (type, ", ".join(arg["choices"])) 125 else: 126 desc += " (type: %s)" % type 127 128 except KeyError: 129 pass 130 131 displayfields.append((" " + arg["name"], desc))
133 - def format_parameters(self, plugin_class, positional=True):
134 displayfields = [] 135 command_metadata = config.CommandMetadata(plugin_class).Metadata() 136 137 # First format positionals: 138 for arg in command_metadata["arguments"]: 139 if arg.get("hidden"): 140 continue 141 142 if arg.get("positional", False) == positional: 143 self._format_parameter(displayfields, arg) 144 145 if displayfields: 146 return self._format_fields(displayfields) 147 148 return ""
150 - def plugin_pinfo(self, runner, detail_level=0):
151 """Generate info dict for a plugin from a plugin runner.""" 152 plugin_class = getattr( 153 runner.session.plugins, runner.plugin_name)._target 154 155 display_fields = [ 156 ("file", oinspect.find_file(plugin_class)), 157 ("Plugin", "%s (%s)" % (plugin_class.__name__,] 158 if getattr(plugin_class, "table_header", None): 159 display_fields.append( 160 ("", "This is a Typed Plugin.")) 161 162 display_fields += [ 163 ("Positional Args", 164 self.format_parameters(plugin_class, True)), 165 ("Keyword Args", 166 self.format_parameters(plugin_class, False)), 167 ("Docstring", oinspect.getdoc(plugin_class) or ""), 168 ("Link", ( 169 "" % ( 170 plugin_class.__module__, plugin_class.__name__))), 171 ] 172 173 # Include the source if required. 174 if detail_level > 0: 175 info =, detail_level=detail_level) 176 display_fields.append(("source", self.format(info["source"]))) 177 178 return self._format_fields(display_fields)
180 - def pinfo(self, obj, oname='', formatter=None, info=None, 181 detail_level=0, **kw):
182 if isinstance(obj, session_module.PluginRunner): 183 # Delegate info generation for PluginRunners. 184 result = self.plugin_pinfo(obj, detail_level=detail_level) 185 if result: 186 187 188 else: 189 oinspect.Inspector.pinfo( 190 self, obj, oname=oname, formatter=formatter, 191 info=info, detail_level=detail_level)
192 193
194 -class RekallShell(embed.InteractiveShellEmbed):
195 banner = display_banner = constants.BANNER 196
197 - def atexit_operations(self):
198 self.user_module.session.Flush()
200 - def init_inspector(self):
201 super(RekallShell, self).init_inspector() 202 203 # This is a hack but seems the only way to make get_ipython() work 204 # properly. 205 InteractiveShell._instance = self 206 ipython_version = IPython.__version__ 207 208 # IPython 5 (4 should work too) is the one we standardize on right 209 # now. This means we support earlier ones but turn off the bells and 210 # whistles. 211 if "4.0.0" <= ipython_version < "6.0.0": 212 self.inspector = RekallObjectInspector() 213 214 else: 215 self.user_ns.session.logging.warn( 216 "Warning: IPython version %s not fully supported. " 217 "We recommend installing IPython version 5.", 218 ipython_version)
219 220 221 REGISTERED_MAGICS = [] 222
223 -class RekallPrompt(prompts.Prompts):
224 - def in_prompt_tokens(self, cli=None):
225 session = 226 style = session.GetParameter("highlighting_style") 227 old_style = 228 if style != old_style: 229 try: 230 = style 231 except Exception: 232 = old_style 233 session.logging.error( 234 "Style %s not valid. Valid styles are %s" % 235 (style, list(styles.get_all_styles()))) 236 237 return [ 238 (Token.Prompt, "["), 239 (Token.Name.Variable, str(session.session_id)), 240 (Token.Prompt, "] "), 241 (Token.Name.Class, str(session.session_name)), 242 (Token.Prompt, " "), 243 (Token.Comment, time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")), 244 (Token.Prompt, "> "), 245 ]
247 - def out_prompt_tokens(self):
248 return [ 249 (Token.OutPrompt, 'Out<'), 250 (Token.Comment, time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")), 251 (Token.OutPrompt, '> '), 252 ]
253 254
255 -def Shell(user_session):
256 # This should bring back the old autocall behaviour. e.g.: 257 # In [1]: pslist 258 cfg = Config() 259 cfg.InteractiveShellEmbed.autocall = 2 260 cfg.TerminalInteractiveShell.prompts_class = RekallPrompt 261 cfg.InteractiveShell.separate_in = '' 262 cfg.InteractiveShell.separate_out = '' 263 cfg.InteractiveShell.separate_out2 = '' 264 265 shell = RekallShell(config=cfg, user_ns=user_session.locals) 266 267 shell.Completer.merge_completions = False 268 shell.exit_msg = constants.GetQuote() 269 shell.set_custom_completer(RekallCompleter, 0) 270 271 # Do we need to pre-run something? 272 if != None: 273 execfile(, user_session.locals) 274 275 = shell 276 277 # Set known delimeters for the completer. This varies by OS so we need to 278 # set it to ensure consistency. 279 readline.set_completer_delims(' \t\n`!@#$^&*()=+[{]}\\|;:\'",<>?') 280 281 for magic in REGISTERED_MAGICS: 282 shell.register_magics(magic) 283 284 shell(module=user_session.locals, ) 285 286 return True