Package rekall :: Module ipython_support :: Class RekallObjectInspector
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Class RekallObjectInspector

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Rekall specific object inspector.

Rekall populates the environment with "plugin runners" which are proxies of the actual plugin that will be invoked. The exact plugin will be invoked depending on the profile availability.

In order to make ipython's ? and ?? operators work, we need to implement specialized inspection to present the doc strings and arg list of the actual plugin.

Instance Methods
format_parameters(self, plugin_class, positional=True) source code
plugin_pinfo(self, runner, detail_level=0)
Generate info dict for a plugin from a plugin runner.
source code
pinfo(self, obj, oname='', formatter=None, info=None, detail_level=0, **kw)
Show detailed information about an object.
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Inherited from IPython.core.oinspect.Inspector: __init__, format_mime, info, noinfo, pdef, pdoc, pfile, psearch, psource, set_active_scheme

Inherited from traitlets.config.configurable.Configurable: update_config

Inherited from traitlets.traitlets.HasTraits: __getstate__, __setstate__, add_traits, has_trait, hold_trait_notifications, notify_change, observe, on_trait_change, set_trait, setup_instance, trait_metadata, trait_names, traits, unobserve, unobserve_all

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods

Inherited from traitlets.config.configurable.Configurable: class_config_rst_doc, class_config_section, class_get_help, class_get_trait_help, class_print_help, section_names

Inherited from traitlets.traitlets.HasTraits: class_own_trait_events, class_own_traits, class_trait_names, class_traits, trait_events

Static Methods

Inherited from traitlets.traitlets.HasDescriptors: __new__

Class Variables

Inherited from IPython.utils.colorable.Colorable: default_style

Inherited from traitlets.config.configurable.Configurable: config, parent


Inherited from traitlets.traitlets.HasTraits: cross_validation_lock

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

pinfo(self, obj, oname='', formatter=None, info=None, detail_level=0, **kw)

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Show detailed information about an object.

Optional arguments:

- oname: name of the variable pointing to the object.

- formatter: callable (optional)
      A special formatter for docstrings.

      The formatter is a callable that takes a string as an input
      and returns either a formatted string or a mime type bundle
      in the form of a dictionnary.

      Although the support of custom formatter returning a string
      instead of a mime type bundle is deprecated.

- info: a structure with some information fields which may have been
  precomputed already.

- detail_level: if set to 1, more information is given.

Overrides: IPython.core.oinspect.Inspector.pinfo
(inherited documentation)