Package rekall :: Module obj :: Class Struct
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Class Struct

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A Struct is an object which represents a c struct

Structs have members at various fixed relative offsets from our own base offset.

Nested Classes
Give each object a unique ID. (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
Instance Methods
__init__(self, members=None, struct_size=0, callable_members=None, **kwargs)
This must be instantiated with a dict of members.
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__long__(self) source code
Return our offset as an integer.
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The number of bytes before the object which are part of the object.
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__unicode__(self) source code
v(self, vm=None)
When a struct is evaluated we just return our offset.
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m(self, attr, allow_callable_attributes=False)
Fetch the member named by attr.
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multi_m(self, *args, **opts)
Retrieve a set of fields in order.
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__getattr__(self, attr) source code
SetMember(self, attr, value)
Write a value to a member.
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walk_list(self, list_member, include_current=True, deref_as=None)
Walk a single linked list in this struct.
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Returns the raw data of this object. (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
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__comparator__(self, other, method) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseAddressComparisonMixIn) source code
Hide any members with _. (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
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__eq__(self, other) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseAddressComparisonMixIn) source code
__format__(self, formatspec)
default object formatter (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
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__ge__(self, other) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseAddressComparisonMixIn) source code
__gt__(self, other) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseAddressComparisonMixIn) source code
__le__(self, other) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseAddressComparisonMixIn) source code
__lt__(self, other) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseAddressComparisonMixIn) source code
__ne__(self, other) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseAddressComparisonMixIn) source code
This method is called when we test the truth value of an Object. (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
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str(x) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
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cast(self, type_name=None, vm=None, **kwargs) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject) source code
deref(self, vm=None)
An alias for dereference - less to type. (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
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dereference(self, vm=None) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject) source code
is_valid(self) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject) source code
proxied(self) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject) source code
Produces a pointer to this object. (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
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write(self, value)
Function for writing the object back to disk (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods
Return all members that are intended to represent some data. (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
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Class Variables
  obj_name = <No name> (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
  obj_parent = <No parent> (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
  obj_producers = None
hash(x) (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
Returns (usually 1) representation(s) of self usable as dict keys.
  obj_end (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)
Returns all the parents of this object. (Inherited from rekall.obj.BaseObject)

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, members=None, struct_size=0, callable_members=None, **kwargs)

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This must be instantiated with a dict of members. The keys
are the offsets, the values are Curried Object classes that
will be instantiated when accessed.

   members: A dict of callables to use for retrieving each member. (Key
     is member name, value is a callable). Normally these are populated
     by the profile system

   struct_size: The size of this struct if known (Can be None).

Overrides: object.__init__

(Hashing function)

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Overrides: object.__hash__
(inherited documentation)


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Return our offset as an integer.

This allows us to interchange Struct and offsets.


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The number of bytes before the object which are part of the object.

Some objects are preceeded with data before obj_offset which is still considered part of the object. Note that in that case the size of the object includes the preamble_size - hence

object_end = obj_offset + obj_size - obj.preamble_size()

(Representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)


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Overrides: BaseObject.__unicode__

v(self, vm=None)

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When a struct is evaluated we just return our offset.

Overrides: BaseObject.v

m(self, attr, allow_callable_attributes=False)

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Fetch the member named by attr.

NOTE: When the member does not exist in this struct, we return a NoneObject instance. This allows one to write code such as:

struct.m("Field1") or struct.m("Field2") struct.m("Field2")

To access a field which has been renamed in different OS versions.

By default this method does not allow callable methods specified in overlays. This is to enable overriding of normal struct members by callable properties (otherwise infinite recursion might occur). If you really want to call overlays, specify allow_callable_attributes as True.

Overrides: BaseObject.m

multi_m(self, *args, **opts)

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Retrieve a set of fields in order.

If a field is not found, then try the next field in the list until one field works. This approach allows us to propose a set of possible fields for an attribute to support renaming of struct fields in different versions.

walk_list(self, list_member, include_current=True, deref_as=None)

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Walk a single linked list in this struct.

The current object can be optionally yielded as the first element.

  list_member: The member name which points to the next item in the

Property Details


Returns (usually 1) representation(s) of self usable as dict keys.

Using full base objects for indexing can be slow, especially with Structs. This method returns a representation of the object that is a suitable key - either the value of a primitive type, or the memory address of the more complex ones.

Get Method:


Get Method: