Processors and Memory
It is common in this industry to measure the computer's processor cores by it's virtualized/logical cores. We list every computer's processors by the physical core metric, and not the virtualized core metric. For example, the statement series computer is listed as having 48 cores which is the same as having 96vCPUs or 96 logical cores.
8 Physical Cores / 16 Logical Cores (16 vCPU)
60MB Memory - 100MB Memory

16 Physical Cores / 32 Logical Cores (32 vCPU)
120MB Memory - 200MB Memory

48 Physical Cores / 96 Logical Cores (48 vCPU)
360MB Memory - 600MB Memory

The remote computers feature Nvidia Tesla T4 graphics cards with 16 GDDR6 Memory and are licensed with professional vDWS Grid licenses. Every computer can have up to 4 graphics cards.
1 Graphics Card
16GB GDDR6 Video Memory

2 Graphics Cards
32GB GDDR6 Video Memory total

4 Graphics Cards
64GB GDDR6 Video Memory Total

Computer Storage
Every computer features a 250GB of Solid State Storage (sometimes called an SSD). We automatically make back ups of your storage every time you shutdown the computer and store these back ups for up to 7 days.
7 Day Back-ups
250GB SSD Storage
Backup Storage for your Files
Every file that is saved through our service is being stored in a world class facility that employees enterprise-class security features. For more information please visit Encryption at Rest in Google Cloud Platform
Computer Software
Operating System
Every computer comes with Windows Server 2019. You have admin access to the computer you select, and the login password is reset everytime you turn the remote computer on. You are free to install any software you chose on it.

You are responsible for the software that you install. It is your responsibility to make sure you are compliant with your software vendors.
Network Security
Open ports
By default the only ports we leave open are 80, 443 and 3389 so that you can have access to the remote computer and the internet. If you need other ports open please contact us, we are happy to accomodate.
RDP Login Passwords
We reset the remote password for your RDP session everytime you start the computer. Having said that you have up to 7 tries to log into the computer or else the computer is locked out.
SSL & IP Addresses
We install an SSL certificate on every computer and use it to identify the computer when you try to log into it. This certificate has a cadence of 90 days upon which we will attempt to update your certificate - automatically. If you get an SSL warning, please contact us and we will provide you with an SSL certificate that you can install on your computer. We will walk you through that process.

Every computer also has it's own static IP Address that we reserve for you. You can use this address to incorporate a more professional workflow if you would like.
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