Mirror Networking
Mirror Namespace Reference


struct  AddPlayerMessage
class  Batcher
struct  ChangeOwnerMessage
class  Channels
class  ClientAttribute
 Prevents the server from running this method. More...
class  ClientCallbackAttribute
 Prevents the server from running this method. More...
class  ClientRpcAttribute
 The server uses a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) to run this function on clients. More...
class  CommandAttribute
 Call this from a client to run this function on the server. More...
struct  CommandMessage
class  Compression
 Functions to Compress Quaternions and Floats More...
struct  EntityStateMessage
struct  ExponentialMovingAverage
class  Extensions
class  InterestManagement
class  LocalConnectionToClient
class  LocalConnectionToServer
class  Mathd
class  MessagePacking
class  NetworkAuthenticator
 Base class for implementing component-based authentication during the Connect phase More...
class  NetworkBehaviour
 Base class for networked components. More...
class  NetworkClient
 NetworkClient with connection to server. More...
class  NetworkConnection
 Base NetworkConnection class for server-to-client and client-to-server connection. More...
class  NetworkConnectionToClient
class  NetworkConnectionToServer
class  NetworkDiagnostics
 Profiling statistics for tool to subscribe to (profiler etc.) More...
class  NetworkIdentity
 NetworkIdentity identifies objects across the network. More...
struct  NetworkIdentitySerialization
class  NetworkLoop
class  NetworkManager
class  NetworkManagerHUD
 Shows NetworkManager controls in a GUI at runtime. More...
interface  NetworkMessage
struct  NetworkPingMessage
struct  NetworkPongMessage
class  NetworkReader
 Network Reader for most simple types like floats, ints, buffers, structs, etc. Use NetworkReaderPool.GetReader() to avoid allocations. More...
class  NetworkReaderExtensions
class  NetworkReaderPool
 Pool of NetworkReaders to avoid allocations. More...
class  NetworkReaderPooled
 Pooled NetworkReader, automatically returned to pool when using 'using' More...
class  NetworkServer
 NetworkServer handles remote connections and has a local connection for a local client. More...
class  NetworkStartPosition
 Start position for player spawning, automatically registers itself in the NetworkManager. More...
class  NetworkTime
 Synchronizes server time to clients. More...
class  NetworkWriter
 Network Writer for most simple types like floats, ints, buffers, structs, etc. Use NetworkWriterPool.GetReader() to avoid allocations. More...
class  NetworkWriterExtensions
class  NetworkWriterPool
 Pool of NetworkWriters to avoid allocations. More...
class  NetworkWriterPooled
 Pooled NetworkWriter, automatically returned to pool when using 'using' More...
struct  NotReadyMessage
struct  ObjectDestroyMessage
struct  ObjectHideMessage
struct  ObjectSpawnFinishedMessage
struct  ObjectSpawnStartedMessage
class  Pool
class  PooledNetworkReader
class  PooledNetworkWriter
class  Reader
 Helper class that weaver populates with all reader types. More...
struct  ReadyMessage
struct  RpcMessage
class  SceneAttribute
 Converts a string property into a Scene property in the inspector More...
struct  SceneMessage
class  ServerAttribute
 Prevents clients from running this method. More...
class  ServerCallbackAttribute
 Prevents clients from running this method. More...
class  ShowInInspectorAttribute
 Used to show private SyncList in the inspector, More...
interface  Snapshot
class  SnapshotInterpolation
class  SortedListExtensions
struct  SpawnMessage
class  SyncDictionary
class  SyncHashSet
class  SyncIDictionary
class  SyncList
class  SyncObject
 SyncObjects sync state between server and client. E.g. SyncLists. More...
class  SyncSet
class  SyncSortedSet
class  SyncVar
class  SyncVarAttribute
 SyncVars are used to synchronize a variable from the server to all clients automatically. More...
class  SyncVarGameObject
class  SyncVarNetworkBehaviour
class  SyncVarNetworkIdentity
class  TargetRpcAttribute
 The server uses a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) to run this function on a specific client. More...
class  Transport
 Abstract transport layer component More...
class  Unbatcher
class  UnityEventNetworkConnection
class  Utils
class  Writer
 Helper class that weaver populates with all writer types. More...


enum  SceneOperation : byte { Normal , LoadAdditive , UnloadAdditive }
enum  SyncMode { Observers , Owner }
enum  ConnectState {
  None , Connecting , Connected , Disconnecting ,
enum  Visibility { Default , ForceHidden , ForceShown }
enum  PlayerSpawnMethod { Random , RoundRobin }
enum  NetworkManagerMode { Offline , ServerOnly , ClientOnly , Host }
enum  TransportError : byte {
  DnsResolve , Refused , Timeout , Congestion ,
  InvalidReceive , InvalidSend , ConnectionClosed , Unexpected


delegate void NetworkMessageDelegate (NetworkConnection conn, NetworkReader reader, int channelId)
delegate GameObject SpawnDelegate (Vector3 position, Guid assetId)
delegate GameObject SpawnHandlerDelegate (SpawnMessage msg)
delegate void UnSpawnDelegate (GameObject spawned)

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ConnectState

enum Mirror.ConnectState

Definition at line 9 of file NetworkClient.cs.

10 {
11 None,
12 // connecting between Connect() and OnTransportConnected()
13 Connecting,
14 Connected,
15 // disconnecting between Disconnect() and OnTransportDisconnected()
16 Disconnecting,
17 Disconnected
18 }

◆ NetworkManagerMode

enum Mirror.NetworkManagerMode

Definition at line 12 of file NetworkManager.cs.

12{ Offline, ServerOnly, ClientOnly, Host }

◆ PlayerSpawnMethod

enum Mirror.PlayerSpawnMethod

Definition at line 11 of file NetworkManager.cs.

11{ Random, RoundRobin }

◆ SceneOperation

enum Mirror.SceneOperation : byte

Definition at line 20 of file Messages.cs.

21 {
22 Normal,
23 LoadAdditive,
24 UnloadAdditive
25 }

◆ SyncMode

enum Mirror.SyncMode

Definition at line 9 of file NetworkBehaviour.cs.

9{ Observers, Owner }

◆ TransportError

enum Mirror.TransportError : byte

Definition at line 6 of file TransportError.cs.

7 {
8 DnsResolve, // failed to resolve a host name
9 Refused, // connection refused by other end. server full etc.
10 Timeout, // ping timeout or dead link
11 Congestion, // more messages than transport / network can process
12 InvalidReceive, // recv invalid packet (possibly intentional attack)
13 InvalidSend, // user tried to send invalid data
14 ConnectionClosed, // connection closed voluntarily or lost involuntarily
15 Unexpected // unexpected error / exception, requires fix.
16 }

◆ Visibility

enum Mirror.Visibility

Definition at line 23 of file NetworkIdentity.cs.

23{ Default, ForceHidden, ForceShown }