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suspend fun getAlias(argument: GetAliasPlainArgs): GetAliasResult

Gets an alias.

suspend fun getAlias(argument: suspend GetAliasPlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetAliasResult
suspend fun getAlias(aliasId: String, environmentId: String, keystoreId: String, organizationId: String): GetAliasResult
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suspend fun getApi(argument: GetApiPlainArgs): GetApiResult

Gets an API proxy including a list of existing revisions.

suspend fun getApi(argument: suspend GetApiPlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetApiResult
suspend fun getApi(apiId: String, organizationId: String): GetApiResult
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Gets a category on the portal.

suspend fun getApicategory(apicategoryId: String, organizationId: String, siteId: String): GetApicategoryResult
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Gets configuration details for an API product. The API product name required in the request URL is the internal name of the product, not the display name. While they may be the same, it depends on whether the API product was created via the UI or the API. View the list of API products to verify the internal name.

suspend fun getApiProduct(apiproductId: String, organizationId: String): GetApiProductResult
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suspend fun getApp(argument: GetAppPlainArgs): GetAppResult

Returns the details for a developer app.

suspend fun getApp(argument: suspend GetAppPlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetAppResult
suspend fun getApp(appId: String, developerId: String, entity: String? = null, organizationId: String, query: String? = null): GetAppResult
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Gets the specified ArchiveDeployment.

suspend fun getArchiveDeployment(archiveDeploymentId: String, environmentId: String, organizationId: String): GetArchiveDeploymentResult
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Gets a CanaryEvaluation for an organization.

suspend fun getCanaryEvaluation(canaryevaluationId: String, instanceId: String, organizationId: String): GetCanaryEvaluationResult
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Gets a data collector.

suspend fun getDataCollector(datacollectorId: String, organizationId: String): GetDataCollectorResult
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Get a Datastore

suspend fun getDatastore(datastoreId: String, organizationId: String): GetDatastoreResult
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Retrieves a debug session.

suspend fun getDebugSession(apiId: String, debugsessionId: String, environmentId: String, organizationId: String, revisionId: String): GetDebugSessionResult
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Returns the developer details, including the developer's name, email address, apps, and other information. Note: The response includes only the first 100 developer apps.

suspend fun getDeveloper(action: String? = null, developerId: String, organizationId: String): GetDeveloperResult
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Gets the endpoint attachment.

suspend fun getEndpointAttachment(endpointAttachmentId: String, organizationId: String): GetEndpointAttachmentResult
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suspend fun getEntry(argument: GetEntryPlainArgs): GetEntryResult

Get the key value entry value for a key value map scoped to an organization, environment, or API proxy. Note: Supported for Apigee hybrid 1.8.x and higher.

suspend fun getEntry(argument: suspend GetEntryPlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetEntryResult
suspend fun getEntry(apiId: String, entryId: String, keyvaluemapId: String, organizationId: String): GetEntryResult
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Gets an environment group.

suspend fun getEnvgroup(argument: suspend GetEnvgroupPlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetEnvgroupResult
suspend fun getEnvgroup(envgroupId: String, organizationId: String): GetEnvgroupResult
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Gets an environment group attachment.

suspend fun getEnvgroupAttachment(attachmentId: String, envgroupId: String, organizationId: String): GetEnvgroupAttachmentResult
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Gets environment details.

suspend fun getEnvironment(environmentId: String, organizationId: String): GetEnvironmentResult
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Get the key value entry value for a key value map scoped to an organization, environment, or API proxy. Note: Supported for Apigee hybrid 1.8.x and higher.

suspend fun getEnvironmentEntry(entryId: String, environmentId: String, keyvaluemapId: String, organizationId: String): GetEnvironmentEntryResult
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Gets the details and status of an analytics export job. If the export job is still in progress, its state is set to "running". After the export job has completed successfully, its state is set to "completed". If the export job fails, its state is set to failed.

suspend fun getExport(argument: suspend GetExportPlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetExportResult
suspend fun getExport(environmentId: String, exportId: String, organizationId: String): GetExportResult
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Get status of a query submitted at host level. If the query is still in progress, the state is set to "running" After the query has completed successfully, state is set to "completed"

suspend fun getHostQuery(hostQueryId: String, organizationId: String): GetHostQueryResult
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Get status of a query submitted at host level. If the query is still in progress, the state is set to "running" After the query has completed successfully, state is set to "completed"

suspend fun getHostSecurityReport(hostSecurityReportId: String, organizationId: String): GetHostSecurityReportResult
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Gets the details for an Apigee runtime instance. Note: Not supported for Apigee hybrid.

suspend fun getInstance(argument: suspend GetInstancePlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetInstanceResult
suspend fun getInstance(instanceId: String, organizationId: String): GetInstanceResult
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Gets an attachment. Note: Not supported for Apigee hybrid.

suspend fun getInstanceAttachment(attachmentId: String, instanceId: String, organizationId: String): GetInstanceAttachmentResult
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suspend fun getKey(argument: GetKeyPlainArgs): GetKeyResult

Gets details for a consumer key for a developer app, including the key and secret value, associated API products, and other information.

suspend fun getKey(argument: suspend GetKeyPlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetKeyResult
suspend fun getKey(appId: String, developerId: String, keyId: String, organizationId: String): GetKeyResult
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Gets a keystore or truststore.

suspend fun getKeystore(argument: suspend GetKeystorePlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetKeystoreResult
suspend fun getKeystore(environmentId: String, keystoreId: String, organizationId: String): GetKeystoreResult
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Gets the details of a NAT address. Note: Not supported for Apigee hybrid.

suspend fun getNatAddress(instanceId: String, natAddressId: String, organizationId: String): GetNatAddressResult
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Gets the profile for an Apigee organization. See Understanding organizations.

suspend fun getOrganization(organizationId: String): GetOrganizationResult
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Gets the IAM policy on an environment. For more information, see Manage users, roles, and permissions using the API. You must have the apigee.environments.getIamPolicy permission to call this API.

suspend fun getOrganizationEnvironmentIamPolicy(environmentId: String, optionsRequestedPolicyVersion: Int? = null, organizationId: String): GetOrganizationEnvironmentIamPolicyResult
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Gets a trace configuration override.

suspend fun getOverride(argument: suspend GetOverridePlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetOverrideResult
suspend fun getOverride(environmentId: String, organizationId: String, overrideId: String): GetOverrideResult
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suspend fun getQuery(argument: GetQueryPlainArgs): GetQueryResult

Get query status If the query is still in progress, the state is set to "running" After the query has completed successfully, state is set to "completed"

suspend fun getQuery(argument: suspend GetQueryPlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetQueryResult
suspend fun getQuery(environmentId: String, organizationId: String, queryId: String): GetQueryResult
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Gets the details of a rate plan.

suspend fun getRatePlan(argument: suspend GetRatePlanPlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetRatePlanResult
suspend fun getRatePlan(apiproductId: String, organizationId: String, rateplanId: String): GetRatePlanResult
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Gets a Reference resource.

suspend fun getReference(environmentId: String, organizationId: String, referenceId: String): GetReferenceResult
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Retrieve a custom report definition.

suspend fun getReport(argument: suspend GetReportPlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetReportResult
suspend fun getReport(organizationId: String, reportId: String): GetReportResult
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Gets the contents of a resource file. For more information about resource files, see Resource files.

suspend fun getResourcefile(environmentId: String, name: String, organizationId: String, type: String): GetResourcefileResult
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Get security report status If the query is still in progress, the state is set to "running" After the query has completed successfully, state is set to "completed"

suspend fun getSecurityReport(environmentId: String, organizationId: String, securityReportId: String): GetSecurityReportResult
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Gets a shared flow by name, including a list of its revisions.

suspend fun getSharedflow(organizationId: String, sharedflowId: String): GetSharedflowResult
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Gets details for an API product subscription.

suspend fun getSubscription(developerId: String, organizationId: String, subscriptionId: String): GetSubscriptionResult
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Gets a TargetServer resource.

suspend fun getTargetServer(environmentId: String, organizationId: String, targetserverId: String): GetTargetServerResult