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BREAKING: Fresh Fighting in Juba’s Jebel Dinka displace 100s of residents

Aug 8, 2021  — Residents of Juba’s Jebel Dinka suburbs are waken up by an intense intra-communal fighting between members of the Mundari community.

Central Equatoria state flag seen above the South Sudanese capital Juba (File/Supplied/Nyamilepedia)

According to many residents of Jebel Dinka, who took it to social media, the fighting began as early as 6:30 am and has so far displaced hundreds of residents.

“Bad news again. Mundari are fighting again in Jebel Dinka ”  Said Luka Thiak Atak

“Bad news today in jubel Dinka among mundari only.fighting start at 6:3o am” Another resident, Deng Paris Wol said.

“Breaking news: Mundari are fighting themselves in jabel dinka this morning” Santo B Ayor breaking the news to his social media friends.

“Mundari Are Fighting With Thunder This Morning In Jebel Dinka” Yuel Acholdit also said.

While the Mundari youth are well armed with weapons, Yacoba Gai Tito, a resident of Jebel Dinka advised residents to equip themselves  well before traveling through Jebel Dinka.

“things will be bad around these areas for quite sometimes due to Mundari fighting. They also want to involveJonglei state into theirs problems. Its not very clear now,but make sure you equipped yourselves well before leaving and thank you.” Yacoba Gai Tito Jr

According to local residents, over 100 people have been displaced so far and they are calling on Central Equatoria government to intervene.

“We the residents of Jebel Dinka urge the Central Equatoria state together with the national government to immediately intervene an escalation of this bloody sectional conflicts and ask them to help give humanitarian assistance  to the internal displaced people (IDPs) who ran out of their homes to seek safety in New Rambur and Elite Primary schools without mosquito nets and food stuff,” the resident said.

“Those in New Rambur Primary school are more than 80 people and most of these are Women and children while those in Elite Primary school are more than 30,” he added.

The fighting between the Mundari subsections started early on Monday in a suspected revenge attack in Kongon-namondur -north of Juba and has quickly escalated to other areas.

Responding after 8 people were killed on Wednesday, the government of Central Equatoria state called on Mundari leaders to intervene to end the fighting between their youth.

The fighting is believe to be between the Tali and Kobura sub-sections of the Mundari tribe.

As a result of Monday to Wednesday fighting, many residents were displaced to Juba Waystation where they are currently living without basic needs such as food and shelter.

According to a statement issued by the Central Equatoria Press team, Governor Emmanuel Adil  has formed a committee to investigate the incident to try to hold culprits accountable.

The government of CES regrets the fighting and sent condolences to families of the victims.

“The government of Central Equatoria state regrets the unfortunate incident that erupted between the two communities of Mundari, which has resulted in the loss of innocent lives, properties, and displacement of persons,” Sarah Nene Redento, state Deputy Governor, said in a security briefing report.

“The government conveys its sincere condolence to the grieving families of the victims who lost lives during this uncalled-for barbaric incident,” she added.

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