Press Release South Sudan news

Call for mass popular uprising to remove Salva Kiir and the flawed R-TGONU from power.

By Dr Hakim Dario,

BREAKING: President Kiir reconstitutes Council of States
South Sudan President Salva Kiir Mayardit (photo credit: Facebook courtesy)

August 7, 2021 — Equatoria Peoples Alliance (EPA[3]) recognises that since South Sudan became independent in 2011, SPLM had known nothing else but authoritarian leaders in all its history, they had shown little to no capacity of laying the foundations of a modern state formation and the rule of law in the newly independent country, a challenge they were unprepared and unsuited for to assume. The consequence was that the country had become and gained independence but without a state. Barely two years later, SPLM/A[4] was back to what its authoritarin leaders know best; that is resorting to armed confict and covering the country with blood and violence to resolve power struggle and differences within its political bureau which it failed to contain by means of dialogue and democratic political process (or the lack thereof).

The country as a whole now has to contend with over 400,000 loss of innocent civilian lives from war related human rights atrocities, war crimes and crimes against humanity with impunity, and for which to date these authoritarian leaders are still not held responsible for their crimes against the people.

Inside the country, the people live under terror of security operatives, who censor any citizens legitimate expression of critical views about Salva Kiir’s government and its performance.

Freedom of expression, association or assembly for legitimate protests against corruption and impunity of Salva Kiir’s regime has become a crime punishable by death for most people, imprisonment or detentions by national security operatives without due process and operating outside of the rule of law. This is not the country we want for our children neither for our present population to liver under in South Sudan, the presumed land of milk and honey, of prosperity, peace and justice.

The recent arrest and threats of arrest against members of the People Coalition for Civil Action against failure of the R-TGONU leadership and their lawfull call for Salva Kiir and Riek Machar to exit, is latest manifestation of the utterly deprolable and non-existent legitimacy of the current leaders in power to govern in accordance with the constitution, respect for and preservation of the inalienable Human and People’s Rights in this failed state.

Equatoria Peoples Alliance (EPA) condemns in no uncertain terms, the continuing unlawful arrest of citizens in South Sudan for simply exercing their right to freedom of expression, association or assembly to hold the failed government to account.

EPA calls for the unconditional release of all detained members of the PCCA[5] immediately to resume their normal lives as free citizens in their country. Salva Kiir and his NSS operatives will be held accountable for any harm visited upon the PCCA activists for simply carrying out their civic duties as free citizens with every right to demand government accountability in the public interest.

EPA adds it voice to the PCCA call for removal of the flawed R-TGONU and its leaders from power by popular uprising of the masses of our people in Equatoria, Upper Nile and Bahr al Ghazal to pave the way for freedom and a new political order and dispensation in the country, one which restores the proper people-driven state formation and constitution-making processes, and without undue influences of the failed authoritarian SPLM  leaders in the country.

EPA further calls on the ICC for indictment of the perpetrators of atrocities against over 400,000 innocent civilian victims of SPLM armed conflict, war crimes, and crimes against humanity in South Sudan, and for justice to the victims and holding impunity to account once and for all in our country.

For more information, the Equatoria Peoples Alliance (EPA), can be reached through email at hmoi@edge-cl.com. 

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