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Aug 4, 2021—-The SPLM/A (IO) Political Bureau met today, Wednesday, August 4th, 2021 in Juba and discussed the Kitgwang Declaration which was issued by a group calling itself the Military Command Leadership under the former SPLA (IO) Chief of General Staff, Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual, former Sector 1 Commander, Gen. Johnson Olony Thubo and former Sector 3 Commander Thomas Mabor Dhoal on August 3rd, 2021 in Magenis town of Upper Nile State.

SPLM_IO Political Bureau met in Juba on August 3,2021 after Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual declared himself unilaterally as C-In-C and Chairman of the SPLM_IO(Photo credit :Courtesy Image).

The Political Bureau meeting was also attended by members of the SPLA (IO) Military Command Council and senior officers from other organized forces who are also members of the Peace Implementation Mechanisms.

The Political Bureau made the following statement:

  1. Condemns in the strongest terms the ill-fated Kit Gwang Declaration;

2.The three Generals who met in Magenls do not constitute the SPLA (IO) leadership of the Military Command Council. The Military Command Council is composed of the Commander-in-Chief, Chief of General Staff and his Deputies, Commanders of the nine Sectors, and Commander of the General Headquarters. At the time of the declaration, General Simon Gatwech Dual had already been relieved from command and appointed as Presidential Advisor for Peace. However, the Military Command does not make the political decisions of the Movement but the Political Bureau or the Natlonal Liberation Council In absence of the National Convention.

  1. It is regrettable that the declaration was engineered and facilitated by peace spoilers who previously sponsored attacks on Turu cantonment site in Maiwut County, Liengkiji cantonment site in Maban County in upper Nile State, Morta training centre in Kajo Keji County, in Central Equatoria, the attacks on SPLA(IO) in Western Bahr Al-Ghazal and Western Equatoria States. The Political Bureau, therefore, condemns these grave violations in the strongest terms possible;
  2. The declaration was Intended to derail the formation of the unified command, graduation and the deployment of the unified forces, which remain an outstanding priority after the conclusion of the reconstitution of the National Legislatures,

  3. The Political Bureau assures the members of the SPLM/A (IO) and the people of South Sudan in general that the situation is under control;

The Political Bureau also discussed the constant harassment, arbitrary arrests and detention of the SPLM/A (IO) personnel by ITGONU security organs, particularly in Juba and other towns In the country.

Furthermore, the Political Bureau discussed and condemned the arbitrary detention of some members of the People’s Coalition for Civil Action, a group that was exercising its constitutional right of freedom of speech, expression and association saying even though the SPLM/A(IO) does not necessarily agree with the content of their message, in the light of this, the Political Bureau demands the Immediate release of these detainees.

On the other hand, the Political Bureau discussed the blatant violations of the power-sharing agreements in the Administrative Areas and made the following statement:

(1) The recent unilateral formation of Administrative Area governments by the Chief Administrators in Ruweng and Abyei;

(2) The Chief Administrators hove no legal mandate to appoint constitutional post holders as this is the prerogative of the President/Presidency as per Article of the Agreement;

(3) The creation of new counties in the Administrative Areas as done by the Chief Administrator of Ruweng Administrative Area contrary to the Agreement on reverting the country to Ten (10) States and seventy-nine (79) Counties;

(4) Refusal of the President to accept the Agreements signed on 27, 2020 and January 18, 2021 respectively by the Committee of the Parties for the allocation of portfolios in the Ten States and Three Administratlve Areas, resulting in the non-formation of governments therein, on the ground that only ITGoNU should administer these Areas, although these areas were carved out of Jonglei, Unity and Warrap States;

(5) Refusal of the President to appoint the SPLM/A (IO) nominee to the position of Deputy Minister of Interior whose nomination was submitted on February 1st, 2021; and

(6) In addition, the Political Bureau vehemently expresses its concern on the refusal of the president to accept the outcome of the Joint Security Mechanisms Workshop of May 10th-11th 2019, facilitated by IGAD and RJMEC and signed by the JDB Co-chairs on September 9th, 2019.

Finally, the Politlcal Bureau reiterates the SPLM/SPLA(IO) commitment to the full implementation of the Agreement In letter and spirit and urges all the partners to the Peace Agreement to do the same.

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