Press Release South Sudan

FULL TEXT: Stephen Buay SSPM/A Declaration


Aug 5, 2021 — On July 30, 2021, the coalition of South Sudan civil society, (The People’s coalition for civil action] issued a declaration renouncing the RTGONU for the main reasons summarized below: –

  1. RTGONU: RTGONU’s Failure to implement the peace agreement in letter and spirit.
  2. Political repressions across the country: Political dissidents are being tortured and languishing in jail without trial with crimes they do not commit.
  3. Dishonoring Of the resolutions and recommendations of the national dialogue: The president has dishonored the resolutions and recommendations of the national dialogue that asked the two leaders to step aside to correct the leadership failure and political deadlock in the country, but the president did not act on it and instead edited the resolutions of the national dialogue to suit himself.
  4. Economic hardship:citizens cannot afford basic food commodities in the country because the prices have skyrocketed.
  5. Lack of payment: Soldiers and government employees are worse paid. They go for months without a paycheck and one cannot afford one day’s meal.
  6. Unemployment rates: There are no jobs for youths. Many have lost their jobs and those who are looking for jobs cannot find one
  7. Rampant Corruption: the leaders of the RTGONU have looted the country completely and sold out oil in advance to cartel countries.
  8. The NCP: The NCP group in collusion with some foreign elements are working hard to capture power and to reunite the country and cancel the hard – won independence gains.
  9. Insecurity: Insecurity is rampant across the country. Civilians are still facing high levels of banditry, rape, cattle raiding, revenge killing, inter — communal violence and other forms of human rights violations.

The People’s coalition for civil action invited all the citizens of South Sudan to come out to make a peaceful demonstration across the country, as a result, the regime’s national security has intervened in and arrested the leaders of the people’s coalition for civil action and they are now still looking for the rest of the members of the people’s coalition for civil action who are still at large to arrest them.

Considering this political instability in the country, we the officers of the SSPDF, national security and other organized forces support the declaration of the people’s coalition for civil action and hereby announce to the people of South Sudan that we have taken up arms against the regime under the name South Sudan patriotic movement/Army(SSPM/A),and we ask all armed citizens in South Sudan to join us and fight for the regime change.

We will form an alliance with the other holdout armed groups in SSOMA and SPLM/A —IO splinter group under General Simon Gatwech Dual to fight for the regime change in the country.


General Stephen Buoy Rolnyang

Acting chairman and commander in chief of the SSPM/A

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