Opinion Politics

Opinion: Dr. Machar’s supporters are wishing for a war by proxy amongst the generals but “an Evil Thought!”

By Mak Banguot Gok (Makjohnson),

SPLA-IO forces in Northern Upper Nile, South Sudan(Photo credit: supplied/Nyamilepedia)
SPLA-IO forces in Northern Upper Nile, South Sudan(Photo credit: supplied/Nyamilepedia)

Sep 22, 2021 — There are some Wishful Supporters of Dr Riek Machar’s Juba base “SPLM-IO Family Enrichment Project ” waging a propagandas war against the SPLM/A-IO movement’s Kitgwang Declaration leaders.  Baseless and Bogus after one another have continued to rain heavily into the social media (exaggerating and misinterpreting series of the interviews and counter-interviews mannered by the generals over the last weekend.

Counterfeit always remains the same no matter how many false accusations and blackmailing leveled at the two generals and their followers, the struggle is resurrecting and to continue. Those who are showing inclination for a bloody occurrence within amongst the movement’s military leadership at Kitgwang, are best described as, “Bearers of an Evil thoughts-provoking.” What the blinds diehards of the former Chairman are showing is a sign of spinelessness and heartlessness.

Meanwhile, before a few days on the social media platforms, Dr Riek Machar’s few remaining enthusiasts have turned to a wishful talk of baloney and nonessential charges against the rapport flanked by the two giant generals (Uluony and Gatwech). The prime objective by those few  SPLM-IO’s former Chairman supporters is a waging of war by other options aiming at infiltrating Kitgwang based military consolidation, and if that happen, it will cause havoc and proxy fighting within among the Kitgwangians that may provides opportunities for Machar to resurrect.

They squabble and generate baseless rumors to make the public perceive as if there is indeed a quandary of personalities; political conflict of interests; ethnocentrism’ and lack of a forward direction among the Kitgwang Declaration leaders. That is totally wishful to the fact that, there has never been any disputes occurred on any of the issue pertaining to the reorganization of the SPLM/A-IO using different formulas.

 Some of the ill-wishers have reached to the extent of conferring the subject of possible try on one’s life. Examples are those who attempt to spur Johnson Uluony by any means to fight Simon Gatwech from within. Amongst them are individuals who relate unrelated events (example, the death of General Tang Ginyinya) with the current. The very few whose wishes are to exterminate General Simon Gatwech Dual so that the cause of the revolution is fully submitted to the political market in Juba.

 However, the ill-wishers botched to comprehend that Johnson Uluony and General Simon Gatwech were not joined by coincidence. They have come through all the thorough scrutiny of their decision till the two generals decided to rescue the relapsing SPLM/A-IO movement by means of leadership alteration and reorganization.

And, whence Dr Riek Machar’s followers are deceitful of the events transcend in Kitgwang, it is showing us how beyond a reasonable doubt that, those liars have confirmed Kitgwang Declaration ‘leaders (Gatwech and Uluony), plus their followers are gaining popular acceptance throughout the SPLM/A-IO movement support bases.

Nevertheless, the few opportunists want to break the generals ‘patriotic spirits, and to vanquish their accepted position. That will never happens because, the two generals are sharing and enjoying the same prominence and popularity amongst their respective communities (Shilluk and the Lou-Nuer) at the primary layer; they are well organized freedom fighters with charisma of mobilizing and maintaining tens of thousands devoted fighters; they are best commanders with extensive capacities of creating and equipping an organize forces to continues with military insurgency.

Whilst, politically, the two generals are being embraced by regional actors dictated by the reality in Juba. Simon Gatwech and Johnson Uluony are familiar with the fact that they can unshackle not only the Upper Nile region, but also the whole South Sudan out of the current political nightmare. 

And, under whatever the circumstances may be, both the two generals are commanding an equal’s armed follower. Neither Johnson Uluony nor Simon Gatwech is surpassing the other by numbers of men comprising the SPLA-IO armed forces in and outside the particular security zone. Gatwech is unlike the others generals for he has bulks of devoted followers who can protect him and more even when the need may be.   

Therefore, the relationship between the two giant generals is symbiotic whereby the two men and their followers are benefiting one another in any of the strategic values. More than those who claim to be in favour of animism between the two men, they (Johnson and Simon) knew very well the areas where weaknesses of the past leadership. The generals and their followers are aware that what they were doing was a war with the intention of not shedding more blood at the wrong enemy. The generals knew the problem of South Sudan is out of question that, the solution is only by infiltration, offensive, defensive, guerrilla, and attack behind the enemy’s lines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The author can be reached for more information at johnsonmak61@gmail.com

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1 comment

Gol Bol September 22, 2021 at 10:16 pm

Opinion: Dr. Machar’s supporters are wishing for a war by proxy amongst the generals but “an Evil Thought!”

Opionions are Opinions, long time, there is piece of trash called Pagan Amuom, his sister is called Banguot (cut it() the evils to nothing, in Muonyjaangs/Jaangs/Jenges/Dinkas language it. In tong (war) Amuoueth, Anyidi, tong Paluer (war), tong Dachuek, tong Awuwei——Mr. Pagan Amuom was caught in Tong Anyidi fighting the Bor Dinkas/Muonyjiengs/Jenges/Jaangs. It was caught was on tape, by young Bor boys on tapes. Mr. Pagan Amuom and most his low lives, were fighting the Bor Dinkas/Jaangs/MuonyJaangs/Jenges on behave of Mulres. See how the secret societies evil works??. The Murles were almost ‘WIPED OUT OF jONNGLEI’. They are going to be WIPED OF MAP ANYWAY, WITH THEIR BACKERS, reasons, pure HATRED AND ARCISM.

Tong Anyidi, the Murles staged a brazen assault on Anyidi, they were hunted down they were cut down like grasses up to Gumruk, pass Mac (fire) Abol. A lot Muonyjiengs/Jaangs/Jenges/Dinkas from cattle camps died, but Murles never took any single Jongkoth (murles called the Muonyjaangs/Jaangs/Jenges/Dinkas)—-Jongkoth. A month and a half later, the Taposas from Kapoeta, Nyangwaras, and other pieces of low lives, went and be misinformed that there are a lot cattle in ‘Jenges villages and cattle camps’ and that they have no weapons.

They came here to my village Abii, Nyara, Awan, Nyichak, Gol, villages. Only a few of them went back to Kapoeta, Nyangwara or Diding Dinga alive, they were cut down pretty badly than tong Anyidi, Tong Amuometh, tong Dacuek, tong Awuwei and other little spats.

‘Pi-Bor’ is just our Anyuaks of Akoba, Panyido, Dimmo and our Gambella who called ‘Pi-water from Bor’. The Murles just came to South Sudan from Southern Abesh (so-called ethiopia) prostitute, in 1927. But South Sudanese is where every piece of trash on trash in this planet earth always project their evil lenses on 24/7.

Put pressure, put pressure, put pressure, put pressure on South Sudan and the South Sudanese and get away with it if you really can damn can. Weaponries are going to be tested. Who do you lives think, you really are?

We are masters of longshot warfares. Called Mr. Abiy Ahmed, Mr. Barack Huseyn Obama, Mr. Joe Bidden, Mr. Pope Francis former Argentina piece of scrounger, Cardinal George Pell, former South sliity-eyed piece of trash, Mr. Ban Ki Moon, former of the devil infested island England, Ms. queen Elizabeth, we go rid Pharohs eons ago to servile to low lives who are not in par with us and our country.

Winston, a drunk piece was here in Nilotic valleys and plains, as a propagandists, he even proposed that their evil juus (so-called isralis) attack dogs “should be resettled in Uganda or Madagascar*?!!!. They would have been dead. The vermins/parasites/viruses are going die anyway. Reasons, pure HARED and RACISM.

Our lake Victoria, LakeTanganyinka, Lake Naivasha, Lake Nakuru, Lake Bogoria, Lake Magadi, Lake Turkana, can we share it with these vermins/parasites/viruses. Not really, not even in the slightest, Lake Kabaka, Lake Gol, Nasir et al.


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