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President Kiir responds to Kitgwang Factions, urged them to prioritize peace!

Juba, South Sudan

Sep 22, 2021— Responding to Kitgwang faction under the leadership of Lt. Gen. Simon Gatwech and Johnson Olony, president Salva Kiir has called on the SPLA-IO breakaway faction to speak the language of peace.

The root causes of the ceaseless conflicts in South Sudan
Collage of President Salva Kiir (L) and Vice President Riek Machar (photo credit: Business Times)

This comes after Kiir addressed the group of elders on Sunday where he said he has been irritated by the unabated loss of lives and destruction of property in the country by war.

According to the reliable information received by Nyamilepedia, President Kiir authorized Presidential Advisor on security affairs, Tut Gatluak Manime and others to speak to the SPLM/A-IO disgruntled group under the senior opposition commander Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual in order to open a way for a peaceful resolution.

According to Kiir, he told Machar that fighting must stop and the leaders must organize talks.

“I have told Riek Machar this thing [fighting in Magenis] needs to stop and let us organize talks”, Kiir explained to the elders at his residence.

Kiir argued that fighting should not be the only means to express grievances and the two factions in Northern Upper Nile have stopped confrontations.

“Fighting is not the only way to ask for something. There are other ways. We can talk to them. So, these days, there are no reports of fighting around areas of Magenis. They have stopped engaging themselves in provocative activities”.he added.

Kiir also revealed that he received calls and visits from leading figures from the Chollo community and also from the international community advising him to intervene in the matter and use his influence as a leader to advise communities to return and engage in agricultural activities instead of turning farms into hideouts and fighting zones.

“Now these forests which are used by those carrying arms as their hideouts and combat zones are the farmlands of the communities. The Magenis area is a fertile land for agricultural activities. The Shilluk people have not been in peace because of military activities. If war stops, the displaced and refugees in Sudan and other countries to which they fled will return to their homes and resume normal way of living”, he further narrated.

Two months ago, Machar accused unnamed government officials of using his military generals to undermine his leadership in what he viewed as a violation of the revitalized peace agreement.

In an exclusive interview with Radio Tamazuj, Gen. Johnson Olony, one of the Kitgwang prominent warlords,  said they are ready to dialogue with President Kiir’s government at any time and if it happens that there would be another war again they will fight against Dr. Riek Machar, not Salva Kiir.

Gen. Olony made it clear also that as opposition generals they are not fighting for the regime change but for the implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement which is the most critical provision of the peace deal.

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1 comment

Gol Bol September 22, 2021 at 8:08 pm

“President Kiir responds to Kitgwang Factions, urged them to prioritize peace!”

When you poop heads are simply told the facts, then you blame the ones who told you the facts, that they are just bunch of young boys with bad attitudes toward white people. Who says, our Nuers ke nynatoc know anything apart from their lawlessness and believe in their Ngundeng Buong Magic and superstitions.

Their damn dirty games with foreign masters is always pull down the Jaangs/Muonyjaangs/Jenges/Dinkas progress. And you emptyheaded Salva Kiir and your lieutenants are parts this cheap and dirty games being played over our country and over our people.

Our Nuers ke nyantoc and Shilluks (Chollos) have no lives, here in Jonglei, Rebecca Nyandeng prostitute, her ugly son and Majak Agoot are going to pay very dearly.

The low lives thought, they can play games with people who are way well to well ahead of them. The Nuers with lack of eduaction and lawlessness, thought, the oil fields were in their villages, and that was why Mr. Riek Machar, fake so-called PhD doctor, Pagan Amuom, Majak Agoot, Uyai Deng Ajak, Rebecca Nyandeng, Aduok Nyabe, Lam Akol and Rebecca ugly son, Mabior Nyandeng were making about Upper Nile, Upper Nile and all. And staged the15/12/2013 foiled attempt. And Mr. Riek Machar of PhD doctors, went hotels, brothels and bars of Adis Ababa (so-called ethiopia) prostitute, the directives of his secret societies and foreign masters, and went and proposed 21 (states) in South Sudan.

And Mr. Salva Kiir created 32 states over 90% of oil fields in South Sudan are in Jaangs/Muonyjaangs/Jenges/Dinkas villages. Only a 2 two or unproductive oil wells are in our Nuers ke nyantoc villages, they even destroyed in 2014. And because our Nuers ke nyantoc and fake PhD doctors, love other people things, without first of all find out who is who behind those things.

They screamed at the top of evil lungs that they want 3 regions of greater Upper Nile, greater Bhar El Gazelles and greater Equatoria and that 32 states cannot be managed since South Sudan economy cannot handle 32 states. And that South Sudan should better go go back 10 states, and Mr. Salva Kiir and his ganged of lowly informed relented to these creeps.

Let me tell you this low lives “secret societies” communicate using these numbers: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 16, 22, 44, 55, 56, 57 or reverse those numbers, 12, 12, 24, 25, 28, 36, 48, 65, 75.

Extreme ‘secret societies numbers’ are: minus or plus those numbers I have just mentioned above. The alleged coup d’état in our Kiirtoum (Khartoum), is just a ploy. The so-called UN secret general assembly (UNGA) in New York, Yeah? Corn (maize floor)?!! It is always about South Sudan and the South Sudanese people.

That South Sudan and our cloned so-called Arab North Sudan must be geopolitical chess game or football played and then, South Sudan and North Sudan would be reunited like or Germany during the so-called COLD WAR. And then evils white Americans, English people, their cloned so-called North Sudan, their Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their gulf Arab states financiers, their creeps here in the IGAD and the African Union (the AU), their UN, their sleazy NGOs, their UNMISS of Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans and others vermins/parasites/viruses who have attached themselves to country and over our people like leeches or ticks.

Fellows, Lowly South Sudanese idiots, just let us round up anything that is connected to evil white Americans, English people, their cloned North Sudan, their Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, some of their Bantuses, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their gulf Arab states financiers, their mercenaries of Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans and destroy their UNMISS project and be done away with with them and for all. Reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM. The vermins/parasites/viruses, will never leave our country and our people alone without fireworks.

Their damn so-called Humanitarian aid, donations, peacekeeping, their so-called human rights business scams and their so-called UN NEW WORLD ORDER GOVERNMENT, GOVERNMENT WITHOUT BORDERS, AFRICAN UNITY AND REGIONAL INTEGRATION piece trash being propagated by lowly educated *secret societies and former criminals of former South African, Bantus low life, Mr. Thabo Mbeki, whom his ancestors let the Dutch, English, Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans and other bunch of trashes took over their country.

Former president of Tanzania, Mr. Jakaya Kikwete, the criminal even used Mr. Riek Machar and his bargaining chip in Arusha, 2015. current president of Kenya, Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, a Bantus, piece of drunk, must be destroyed. His arch rival, Mr. Raila Odinga. The low lives went to China to go and take loan on behave of South Sudan and Democratic republic of Congo (DRC). Mr. Raila Odinga was even called INFRSAFRUCTURE AFRICA in Kenya, 2015 The Chine people, went and told the criminals (Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila, NO.

Being Raila, doesn’t mean you are a railway. there is standard gauged railway (SGR) from coast of Mombasa, Kenya to Nairobi. It was built with Chinese loan.

Do lives in Kenya think, they are on par with South Sudan and the South Sudanese people? Not in the slightest. Follow us. There is apiece of trash, Mr. Abiy Ahmed, who even say, no country develops alone, a give a damn Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, who really? The vermins/parasites/viruses are going to be bombed back to Yemen, that is where the parasites come from.

The US, French Legions army bases and almost of all the Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) and going to be bombed with the land they are currently on back to Yemen, reaosns, pure HATRED and RACISM.

Who says, white people have rights, they don’t have lives, let alone human rights?!!! They always take our country as ‘bench mark’ for their cheap dirty projects, little do the vermins/parasites.viruses know we way too well ahead them. We are ancient Egyptians, the most racists people of this planet earth.

But these low lives, don’t know that they are going TO BE WIPED THEM OUT OF THIS PLANET EARTH..>>>>


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