
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Jieng Padang Community in North America Reject the allocations of Upper Nile State to SPLM-IO

4 min read

This is a Boundaries map showing Padang community in east bank on the top right hand side of the map in colonial power time

Jieng Padang Community in North America Position Paper: Jieng Padang Community in North America Reject the allocations of Upper Nile State to SPLMIO and possible interest for the appointment of Gen. Johnson Olony

To Presidency of the Republic of South Sudan – Juba and to the honorable public at large

Monday, June 29, 2020 (PW) — Jieng Padang Community in North America Reject the allocation of Upper Nile State to SPLMIO also oppose possibleappointment of the warlord Johnson Olony as Governor of Upper Nile State.

We the members of Padang Community in North America would to knowledge the president of the Republic of South Sudan Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit for his steadfast commitment to see South Sudan realized peace. 

We want to let the people of South Sudan know that we the sons and daughters of Jieng Padang Community in North America want to see our country back to peace so the citizen of South Sudan return to their home states, focus of development and goabout their everyday lives.

We the sons and daughters of Jieng Padang of Upper Nile State collectively support the release of this statement to reject the agreement reached by the two principles parties on June 17, 2020 in which they agreed to allocated Upper Nile State to SPLMIO.

The SPLMIO chairman Dr. Riek Machar keeps insisting on Upper Nile State to award the warlord Johnson Olony’s Agwelek forces with the position of governorship as incentive of his support to SPLMIO.  

Below are reasons behind Padang Community in North America rejection doe UPS allocation to SPMIO

1. SPLMIO/A and its white army militants have committed genocide against Padang Jieng of Upper Nile from 2014 to 2016.  

2. Johnson Olony and his Shilluk tribal Agwelek forces are asecurity and stability threat to the people of Upper Nile State; particularly Jieng Padang of which he took up arms against and still his main outstanding agenda.

3. Johnson Olony and his Shilluk tribal Agwelek militia took up arms against one ethnic group of Jieng Padang of Upper Nile State in an illusion claim of the land. These factual documents of Johnson Olony are everywhere on social media and with the government of South Sudan archive, therefore, a decision to allow Johnson Olony to presume the UNS governorship is a trigger of violence incitement and an inter-communal confrontation in Upper Nile State.

4. Johnson Olony self-confessed in 2013 during his interviewwith Brig. Gen. of SPLA Malaak Ayuen director of Information’s and public relation on SSBC is an evidencethat his objective is to fight Jieng Padang and take over their areas whom Olony claimed to be of Shilluk.

5. Johnson Olony trained his Shilluk tribal militia with one objective in minds that to wage a tribal war against Jieng Padang of Upper Nile.

6. Johnson Olony’s Shilluk tribal Agwelek militia still occupying some areas of Jieng Padang such as Nyinthar Atar, Khorfulus Nyinthar- Malaual and Wunkur. An occupation that is illegal under the Revitalized Peace Agreement that is not being taken seriously by the government.

As a result of the above-mentioned reasons, we the members ofJieng Padang in North America reject is allocation of Upper Nile State to SPLMIO of Agwelek and White Army militia.

We appealed to the presidency and his leadership to hear our concern, because Gen. Johnson Olony is rejected by all Jieng Padang due to factual evidence of his motive. Nevertheless, any resistance to imposed him against the wills of the Jieng Padang Community in Upper Nile will be deemed as a declaration of War against on Jieng Padang derailment of peace and prosperity. Upper Nile is in peace now as we speak.

If the Parties to the agreement-imposed and appointed warlordJohnson Olony against the wills of Jieng Padang in Upper Nile, we will be compelled to demand a creation of separate Administrative Area for Jieng Padang in Upper Nile. 

Lastly, Jieng Padang Community in North America also Petitioned that the Greater Pigi County of Khorfulus and Atar is to remain in Upper Nile State regardless of the dissolution decree back to the 10 State. The Greater Pigi Community refused to go to Jonglei State due to the proximity and live necessity why is Jonglei decision being imposed against the majority’s decision?

Signed by:1. Wilson Thonakur Lual  President of Jieng Padang Community in North America


2. Abiel Kon Awuor – President of Jieng Padang Community in Canada


3. Mayiik Deng Kiir – Deputy Jieng President Padang Community in North America


4. Ngor Kur De Mayol – SG. Jieng Padang Community in North America

5. Abiel Malual – deputy SG. Jieng Padang Community in North America 


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