
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The Majestic Return of Hon. Deng Alor Kuol, the Prince of Diplomacy in South Sudan

8 min read

By Jok WaMonychok, Juba, South Sudan

Friday, July 17, 2020 (PW) — It’s with jubilation and optimism that I write to congratulate H. E. President Salva Kiir Mayardit on the appointment of Hon. Deng Alor Kuol as the Minister of East Africa Affairs. On the same token, I would like to congratulate the people of Abyei in particular and South Sudan in general. Like Hon. Nhial Deng Nhial and other prominent SPLM leaders, Hon. Deng Alor Kuol is an astute diplomat bestowed with patriotism, experience, and charismatic values needed in our contemporary national affairs. It is important to have leaders who are accessible and good listeners to their people. 

Like previous article I have written about Hon. Deng Alor, this willalso remain as a reference for him, other leaders, and citizenry at large. My last article about him talked about the fact that as the leader, he had offered his position to his colleague because everything should not be always about him. South Sudan is blessed with plethora of great leaders and there was no doubt in him about staying behind and play the role of a loyal citizen. A leader leads anywhere. Honourably for him this time, it is President Kiir and South Sudanese who need his services.

When President Kiir announced the Revitalized -Transitional Government of National Unity (R-TGoNU) without Hon. Deng Alor or any son or daughter of Abyei, many people were alarmed and speculations soared. Many thought President Kiir had opted for a negotiation for Abyei issue with its sons and daughters taking the back seat. While others assumed that President Kiir had given up on the people of Abyei. But many people including myself remained adamant that South Sudan is a diverse nation with equal representatation based on capabilities and loyalty to put into spotlight and that no cabinet will accomodate everyone. More importantly, Hon. Deng Alor is a national figure and any appointment should not necessarily have Abyei as the qualification. 

John Garang, Deng Alor and PM Hamdok of the Sudan during the war of liberation
John Garang, Deng Alor and PM Hamdok of the Sudan during the war of liberation

In fact, with fair analysis, no one could question the President’s wisdom as everyone knows his meticulous approaches to Abyei and other national issues. Any citizen given the opportunity to perform national duties is a leader for all and can do anything for Abyei. The absence of Abyei sons and daughters in his government was not perceived for a bad omen but for a normal way of doing things. I for that matter wrote an article on this, stressing the fact that Abyei is a national issue and it doesn’t necessarily requires its son or daughter to be in President Kiir’s cabinet in order to finally bring it back to South Sudan.  

However, with the return of Hon. Deng Alor, The Prince of Diplomacy to the cabinet, more blessing has been added to President Salva Kiir’s reign. The people of Abyei and South Sudan are blessed as well. You need to know why. 

First and foremost, together with this point, let me acknowledge that Hon. Deng Alor was once the Minister of Foreign Affairs whensimultaneously Dr. Francis Mading Deng was the South Sudan Ambassador to United Nations. By then, everyone was optimistic about the determination of final status for Abyei. Unfortunately, despite notable steps taken, nothing materialised. Many South Sudanese up to date blame them for failing to achieve anything when they were at the best positions to do that. With that in mind, he is so restless and keeps vowing that now is the time for him to put the case to dustbin once and for all. 

I know what the pessimists are thinking: that why not all these years? What has changed now? Well, at the time when many sons and daughters of Abyei were in key positions in the army and the government, no excuse can convince any critic why Abyei did not achieve final status as the result of the effort of these men. However, it is of paramount importance to underscore the fact that the regime of Omar Bashir and his cahoots could not accept any settlement that would give Abyei to the South. In many negotiations, Khartoum had opted for war with Juba if they failed to maintain their grip on the oil-rich region which is unquestionably a South Sudanese territory. Considering our (South Sudan) fragility, we had to play it cool even though Sudan had been destabilizing the region through its army in 2008 and 2011 as well as the up-to-date scorched earth policy by the remnants of Bashir sponsored marauding militias. 

Obviously, it is a well-known fact that, a house fighting against itself will not stand an external force. South Sudan, a house under self-inflicted agony of civil war could only watch Abyei and other parts of it encroached, plundered, and scorched. In this sense, Hon. Deng Alor is a vital ingredient in the process to bring aboutharmony and unity in the house dogged by the bloody civil war. Subsequently, South Sudanese from all walks of life will work together towards Abyei which from the look of things will be achieved before the end of this year or early next year. There are positive indications.

Moreover, the good news is that, the new regime in Khartoum believes in peaceful coexistence between the two sisterly countries. Many leaders in that government are former classmates and comrades to Hon. Deng Alor and other South Sudanese leaders.Above all, they are believers of fundamental principles of Human Rights and International Laws. They know very well that Abyei belongs to South Sudan. They know very well that stability in Abyei through its peaceful return to South Sudan is the catalyst for good relations for the two sisterly countries. 

Secondly, Hon. Deng Alor who serves as the holder of Abyei Filehas in mind that this ministry is strategic as far as Abyei case is concerned. This time, we will have our ears strained as much as possible to impatiently hear what will be the stumbling block to the final status of Abyei when we know this is the time for it. President Kiir wisely appointed him to that position partly because it will provide a favorable platform for Hon. Deng Alor to lobby and pushfor final settlement for the case. President Kiir feels that with Deng’s determination and experience, he would not step down later without Abyei. You ought to know that, Deng Alor doesn’t sleep because of Abyei. 

Lastly, Hon. Deng Alor is a gifted diplomat who will strengthen South Sudan relations with East Africa Community(EAC). He was the one who signed the assertion to EAC in 2016 when he was the Foreign Minister. Let’s not forget that East Africa played a pivotal role in the independence of South Sudan. Kenya and Ugandaparticularly played a direct role in the liberation struggle of South Sudanese. On the other hand, Hon. Deng Alor has a remarkable influence in the region. He will exploit this influence to strikesustainable trade and development agreements. In addition, he will rally the region behind us to address some foreign relations issues that need to be normalized as well as the repair of alliances. 

In the end, the return of Hon. Deng Alor will see two possible results. One is the final status for Abyei by either of the three means. First, he will lobby and push for the recognition of 2013 Abyei Referendum which came out with 99.9% in favour of South Sudan. Second, a peaceful administrative transfer of Abyei back to South Sudan as it was the case in 1905 when the British colonial administration transferred it from Bahr el Ghazal to Kordufan. Third, Ngok Dinka referendum under the guidelines of Africa UnionHigh Implementation Panel (AUHIP) proposed by Thabo Mbeki. 

The other important possible outcome is that he will work side by side with President Kiir to bring about a sustainable peace that will give birth to the achievement of sound economic growth and development. South Sudan needs to regain its lost social fabric that has been torn up by the civil war ignited by tribalism and power greed. He has in mind that building a society based on basic services delivery and empowerment of youth and women is essential for peace. Hon. Deng Alor as well as President Salva Kiir is aware of the fact that youth make up over 70% of South Sudan population.

And thus, empowering them is an effective way of improving the living standard and handling insecurity which is fuelled by fervasive poverty. Apparently, youth and women are the anvil of political conflict that has ravaged our country for over half a century. There is a need for youth and women empowerment through Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). To curb insecurity and other social problems, youth and women need to have a stake. 

And finally, this transitional period is a gateway to harmony and prosperity for South Sudanese. SPLM must consolidate its ranks and rally the country behind it in preparation for the elections after the end of transitional period. It’s imperative to embark on preparatory measures that would ensure viable strategies and modalities for effective campaign. These days, majority of citizens have understood the workings of a nation. Thus, no one will be accused of being a traitor if they decide to support someone that’s not SPLM.

We are in our country and any citizen can run under different party without the notion of 2010 elections where people voted for anyone bearing the flag of SPLM “even if they were dogs”. People were asked to vote for anyone as long as they were SPLM. The return of Hon. Deng Alor Kuol, the Prince of Diplomacy to the cabinet heralds good leadership aimed at achieving peace and unity and delivery of basic services and development and revitalization of almighty SPLM.

The writer is a graduand of Economics at Catholic University of South Sudan. He can be reached via

The opinion expressed here is solely the view of the writer. The veracity of any claim made is the responsibility of the author, not PaanLuel Wël Media (PW) website. If you want to submit an opinion article, commentary or news analysis, please email it to PaanLuel Wël Media (PW) website do reserve the right to edit or reject material before publication. Please include your full name, a short biography, email address, city and the country you are writing from.

1 thought on “The Majestic Return of Hon. Deng Alor Kuol, the Prince of Diplomacy in South Sudan

  1. It is with great happiness to learn about the appointment of Hon. Deng Alor Kuol as a minister. Congratulations to both our president H.E Salva Kiir Mayardit and to our new appointed minister Hon. Deng Alor.
    Secondly, I also very happy for the decision made by the people of Jonglei in accepting the appointment of Hon. Denay Jock Chagor as the governor. It was a wrong decision when I first some voices claiming to reject the appointment of any governor if not from them. Jonglei State is inhabited by many tribes and each has the right to rule, stay anywhere in the state as a south Sudanese.
    Congratulations our new appointed governor and good luck with your new job; we are with you.

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