
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

VP Wani Igga holds 3-day consultative talks with Greater Bor Dinka Community in Jonglei State

4 min read

By Deng Kooch Diing, Bor, Jonglei Sate

Monday, July 20, 2020 (PW) — A high-level delegation ordered by President Salva Kiir has began a consultative talks with greater Bor communities Monday in a troubled Jonglei State.

An order by Mr. Kiir on June 23 forms a 13-member committee headed by Dr. James Wani Igga to dig root causes of Jonglei Communal violence within 21 days.

Vice President Dr. James Wani Igga on Monday 20 July began listening to presentation from Twic East, Duk Padiet, Duk Payuel and Bor County ahead of a possible peace conference to end ethnic divides among the Lou Nuer, Murle and Dinka Bor communities.

The consultative meeting will end on 22 July when the Vice President would be expected to return to Juba where a separate schedule would be made to consult other communities mentioned in Mr. Kiir Presidential order.

Many government officials including high-level committee Deputy Chairperson Gen. Daniel Awet Akot in a 13 Member Committee tasked to end the Jonglei communal violence accompanied theVice President.

On the Part of participants from greater Bor, Twic East high-level committee is headed by Ex-Jonglei Governor Philip Aguer Panyang, whereas Bor County Committee headed by former County Commissioner Abraham Jok Aring.
Duk-Padiet, Duk Payuel Committees headed by Dr. Yath and Hon Deng Lual, a member of Council of States who hailed from Duk County. Children abduction, cattle raiding and murder have emerged top on the agenda and a focus on drawing a borderline between the communities as raised by Chiefs.

Igga High-level delegation was warmly received up on arrival at the State Secretariat Sunday in Bor despite threats of Corona-virus, masses turn up. A crowd of over 5000 lead by State Secretary General Mabior Atem Mabior turns up for a well-coming reception at the State Secretariat.

The Vice President gave an emotionally charged speech, kneeling down before the crowd and urged the People of Greater Bor to abandon armed violence citing that the government is capable of handling the crisis.

“Jonglei State especially Bor Town was the center spot where the revolution and the liberation of South Sudan began on 16 May 1983” he

When South Sudanese felt that enough was enough after unspeakable experiences serving in the Khartoum government, we all bear the pain he said. “I myself was Commanding Shakush Battalion, Marching from Ajah-Ager, Baidit and Kolnyang fighting the oppressive Khartoum regime,” he said.

I never expect South Sudan Communities to descend back to reckless behavior; we have seen how Bor, Bentiu and Malakal were recked down in

The Southern Question is now on track again what do Southerners really want?, Yaa Junubin, what do you really want after we become an independent nation, Igga cried out before crowd in Bor.

The Deputy Chair of the High Level Delegation Gen Daniel Awet Akot said the government is ready to end the violence in  Jonglei if the communities involves in the conflict gave precise reasons that has devastated the State.

The current blood flow should not be allowed to continue for another four months, asking that how many people would have died if it is allowed to continue.

The Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management Mayen Majongdit said it’s a big challenge to his Ministry as the Portfolio responsible for disaster management.

The leader of Jonglei State Youth Union Mr. Wal Alier on his part commented that the State has been in unrest since the 2005 peace deal that ended the 21 years war between North and South.

He said greater Bor in Particular has suffered as its is bordered by communities considered to be hostiles in term of cattle raiding, children abduction and murder.

He said it is up to the government to come up with a once for all solution that would end the conflict which has devastated the state.

A Student from St. Joseph who represented Children said Children are the most affected by the current crisis in Jonglei, they are the victims of abduction.

She urged the government to disarm the civil population carrying arms all over South Sudan to Salvage the already conflict affected Population.

Contacted by the Juba Monitor earlier on, the Secretary General of Pibor administration area Peter Lebelek said the youth from Jonglei are still in occupation of Murle land, and are currently advancing forward leaving behind the headquarters of Vuvet County Gumuruk, and no intervention by the government and humanitarian organizations on the ground so far.

It is not clear where the delegation will head to after hearing results of consultation from elders of greater Bor.

The author is a professional journalist and can be reached by his email:

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