
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Gen. Akol Khor and Gen. Salva Mathok Gengdit are longtime friends: A Reply to Machar Mayuen

7 min read

Gen. Salva Mathok Geng Piol is a National MP membered National Assembly’s Security Committee: A reply to Machar Mayuen’s commentary on General Salva Mathok Gengdit’s article 

By Agany-Malleher Geng Ayiei, Juba, South Sudan

Wednesday, July 29, 2020 (PW) — They so called Machar Mayuen wrote a unsubstantiated article against Gen. Salva Mathok Gengdit as a rejoinder to an article he circulated on The Dawn Newspaper and website, dated July 25th, Machar aristocratic his piece that; “the National Security Services doesn’t operates maliciously against it mandate-Brig. Gen. Gum incident is an isolated matter and shouldn’t be used to criticize the very institution that is protecting all”.

First and for peak, Machar Mayuen should discern that Gen. Salva Mathok is National MP with SPLM ticket as he stated in his lettering that, “I am MP in Transitional National Legislative Assembly with SPLM ticket, a member of Specialized Committee for Security”.

And it is postulated in the Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan article 57(a) that, National legislative Assembly has right to oversee the performance of the National Government institutions; and 57(e) gives them powers to adopt resolutions on the matters of public concern. I am so unquestionable that whatsoever muddles going on in the National institutions are public apprehensions to be seen being spoken. 

Gen. Salva Mathok has right to dialog about any security matters because he is positioned in security Committee in the National Legislative Assembly. He is a liberator, Former Deputy Army Chief of General Staff, Former Deputy National Minister of Interior, Former care taker Governor of Warrap State and the Acting Apuk Community Chairperson in Juba.

As itemized unblemished in his inscription, I am chaotic where do measly citizens like Machar Mayuen contracted powers to convict his script, if it isn’t a nation where laws are placed into man’s hands and where youth recompense no admiration to elders or people with such great titles, Machar won’t be the right person to retorted well known General’s article. 

I read Machar’s article and he didn’t engrave who he is at the last of his writing. What a disorganized generation?

I believed that Machar Mayuen was an educated man when I saw his Facebook profile picture in a well-dressed suit, his smartness driven me to read his article because I knew that smart men are the one who really know what the word “REFORM” and “ADVICE” means, I didn’t know that Machar could be the very person to messed what they laws says about the National MP.

I was jumbled, but thank God I realized that “those who are smart physically are sometimes poor in mind”, my confusion left immediately after I thought about above English saying and that’s the motive to why my mind is renewedto let me go through this writing of mine.

Before I twitch my response, I would like to vigilant the public that Gen. Akol Khor Kuch, the Director General of NSS and Gen. Salva Mathok Gengdit are longtime friends that have never had differences since the liberation struggle up to now. Enemies of peace and progress shouldn’t take Gen. Salva’s article full of advises to President Kiir and DG of NSS, to be against Akol Khor of NSS.

Also, Gen. Salva isn’t laid-back person who can just attack junior General without any reason, Both Akol Khor and Gum Agok are young in army and politic to have differences with him, both of them can salute General Salva Mathok if army is in place.

It is a phenomenon to see some boys of Akol and Gum criticizing him disremembering that he is a National MP who deserves constitutional right to express tenacities to public concerns. He must talk, and his words shouldn’t be taken as personal!

Coming back to the socket of my writing, Machar Mayuen expressed many unfairness confrontations against General Salva, he said that he is against H.E Salva Kiir Mayardit because all he utters are in contradiction of his government. 

To retort, Gen. Salva Mathok is most trustworthy to the President, he has never have differences with the President though he verdures him without an assignment for almost ten years now. Most of his colleague whom they are left out in Kiir’s government rebelled and he has never lost his trust in SPLM party clues by President Kiir.

Gen Salva Mathok had and will never change, he will still be an energetic member of SPLM However, and you expressed whatever imagination against him. I sentence this word in strongest terms possible!

Coming to the writing of Gen. Salva Mathok that they so called Machar Mayuen misunderstood and take it to be against Akol Khor Kuch and President Salva Kiir: Machar might had mental disorder or drunk when passing through his article. I am saying this because he (Salva) was appreciated by many intellectuals/citizens for hitting the truths, apart from Machar Mayuen and some erroneous elements whom they have truncated empathetic. 

Rendering to my own kind, Gen. Salva was talking about the “reforms”, recruitment of soldiers on “relatives’ basis” with little training and elimination of “some wrong elements” who are defiling the image of NSS as he indicated in his writing that “NSS have been infiltrated by some wrong elements through recruitment on relatives’ basis with low training and then promoted to the high rank at the wrong time”.

General Salva Mathok has no fault to express that word, it is one of his biggestright that he had never whispered.

My friend Machar and some of his colleagues might be soldiers who are recruited and promoted to the high rank on relatives’ basis without training appeared as stated by General or maintains his life through Akol Khor’s leadership, because they have reserved what doesn’t concern them at all, up to an extern that they have rehabilitated the real meaning of the story and crushed it on the necks of Akol and Kiir. Shame on you! My dearest friends who know Machar will express the truths about him in these two words. 

Salva Mathok didn’t criticize the whole institution but some wrong elements as I quoted above in his writing, he might generalize the whole institution because there is dinka story that says “one bird cosset the water of a pool”, because whenever it seated, it fellow contemporaries will follow it till  normal color of the water changed. That’s the same gadget to NSS, those wrong elements are National Security personals, if they are undertaking wrong, and where will they be reckoned to? They can still be called NSS personals. 

Because of their wrong habits that they are tarnishing the image of the National Security, Gen. Salva advised his comrade Akol Khor Kuch to eliminate those elements as stated in the last paragraph of his writing that, “I advise my comrade Gen. Akol Khor, Director General of NSS to clean up “THOSE” who have nothing to do with National Security, if they are left, they are tarnishing NSS “. Where Gen. Salva Mathok did criticized Akol Khor? I reread his article but what I founded at last is that enemies want to create differences among Akol, Gum and Mathok, but it won’t materialize, nevertheless those nemeses wish.

Salva Mathok then appeal to President Kiir to ask his NSS post holders to make some reforms, he neither entitled for the removal of National Security Minister nor NSS Director General as misquoted by Machar Mayuen and his networks who facilitated him in disapproving Gen. Salva Mathok.

In my conclusion, I learnt that people like Machar Mayuen are ones who creates conflicts among the elders in South Sudan, he is faithfully a conflict gainer. These are people who initiates political glitches among elders to gain something, how long will this life less? It is shamelessness when we (youth) vanished our future in such unmannerly way. I urge my companion citizens to disregard Machar Mayuen’s article because his script is baseless and full of political conflict construction, if we admires people with such writing, our dearest country will collapse. 

The writer is responding as concern citizen of Apuk Community, he is reachable via

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