
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

July 30th – Martyrs’ Day – The Day We Remember the Revolutionary Sacrifices of our Martyrs, Wounded Heroes and War Veterans

3 min read

By Francis M Malwal, Houston, Texas, USA

Friday, July 30, 2020 (PW) — Today July 30th marks an essential day in the history of South Sudan. The day we as people remember our fellows’ heroes and heroines, without their sacrifices, we may not have attained the independence.

I would also like to take this opportunity to salute our martyr’s families: orphans and widows for their resilience and sacrifices despite the economic hardship they have been enduring. We feel your pain but never lost hope because the change is coming tomorrow.

Let me also acknowledge the sacrifices of our wounded heroes and heroines and their families who are also neglected. Let me also salute the current SPLA soldiers and officers who have contributed tremedeously and all citizens of South Sudan who also played an instrumental role in the referendum. 

South Sudan’s independence came as a result of the collective effort of soldiers who faught the war. The citizens who provide food logistic intelligent information revealing the location of the enemy and, above all, voting in the referendum.  

So everybody has contributed to this struggle in different ways, and we are all equal citizens of this country and share the same constitutional rights. 

The SPLA/M we know fought for justice, equality, and progress, but where are the current leadership from these principles ? Also, the SPLM/A, fought against marginalization, but how come are they marginalizing us now. Let us assume that they are intentionally neglecting those who didn’t go to the bush.

But what have they done to the familes of their comrades, the widows, orphans, the wounded soldiers, the current actives soldiers?. So the issue is the greedy of current leadership who marginalize and betray their comrades and all citizen of South Sudan. 

If you are soldiers or officers in SSDF, National Security, or police, ask yourselves if you die today. What compensation would your family get because you are heroes who die defending the constitution? Or, if you get short, the current government would never cover your medical bill.

However, if you were one of the top leaders, the government would take you aborad,  cover your medical bills.  So now you should realize that you are not a part of this government; otherwise, you shouldn’t be treated differently. 

So my message to all organized forces, you are the National forces of South Sudan. As such, your loyalty should stand for the constitution of South Sudan.  Soldiers ought to be neutral to protect the interest of the country, not individual leaders.

That why you see in any country when politicians mass up the country, the National army intervenes to restory democracy and save the country from the destruction of politicians. You are aware that South Sudan is at the cliff of failing, and nobody would rescue it without your help.

You have fought for this country and, therefore, should not allow a bunch of corrupt leaders to destroy it before your eyes. 

The coming change will benefit everybody’s soldiers, officers, and citizens because it will build the economy, infrastructure, and health care services.  

For example, Soldiers will have excellent retirement packages, compensation in case of injury or death, free quality health services, free education, priority when applying for a job after retirement. so the time has come for the lift up for you national duty. 

Francis M Malwal, South Sudanese political activist based in Houston, Texas and can be reached through this contact  E.mail;

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