
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Open Letter to President Kiir: SPLM Unity is under Serious fragmentation in Jonglei State

5 min read

Date 27/07/2020
Open letter to the Chairman of the SPLM, Cde: Salva Kiir Mayardit.

Subject: The party Unity is under Serious fragmentation in Jonglei State.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020 (PW) — Comrade Chairman, we hope this letter finds you well. We are writing to you this open letter to bring in to your attention on why we think the ‘’Party Internal Unity is under serious threat in Jonglei state. Some Comrades in the Greater Bor want to destroy the unity of the party by trying to impose their hegemony on the other communities within Jonglei state.

Four days ago, some of the Greater Bor imminent figures in the current National R-TGoNu sat and nominated their three sons so that among them one is appointed as the Deputy Governor of Jonglei State on the SPLM ticket without referring to the Structures of the defunct SPLM organs in the reverted four States of Bieh, Akobo, Fangak , Jonglei, Plus Pigi which was then part of the defunct Central Upper Nile State to discuss the issue of the nomination because these organs of the party though not functioning are the only bodies that can bring our members together. Instead, they owns the processes of nomination and go ahead recommending the following Sons of Bor:

  1. Maker Thiong Maal
  2. Nyok Kucha
  3. Akech Deng

Since all these Comrades are SPLM members, we have no doubt on their capabilities as the party cadres to lead the state and unite the people of Jonglei state and amend our social fabric.

However, Our Party policy clearly stated that any appointment of political post holders must reflect the diversity of our people and geographical location. On this ground, we are seeing the move of greater Bor some imminent figures as a violation to principles of our Party. To make our argument more understandable, the recent appointed members in the (RTGOU) representing Jonglei State are; Hon. Michael Makuei Lueth, Hon. Kuol Manyang Juuk, Presidential Affairs Advisor, and Hon. Deng Dau Malek, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. All these people come from Greater Bor.

One Wonder on what ground should the Greater Bor claims Deputy Governorship Again! Coming to the reality about the Jonglei State, Jonglei state is a large State in terms of land and also it’s still the most populated State in South Sudan according to South Sudan population and housing census of 2008. Currently it composes of nine Counties where Greater Bor composes of:

  1. Bor
  2. Twic East
  3. Duk

Greater Fangak Composes of:

Greater Akobo composes of:

The population of these three Greatest combined is about one million with Greater Akobo leading with about four hundred thousand ( 400,000 ), Greater Fangak with three hundred Thousands (300,000) and greater Bor with about three hundred thousand also ( 300,000 ). In this simple calculation, Greater Akobo and Greater Fangak combined together constitute 70% percent of the total population of the state.

Based on the above mentioned facts Cde. Chairman, the SPLM members in the Greater Akobo and Greater Fangak would want to see into it that any senior position in State Government should either go to Greater Akobo or Greater Fangak to balance the responsibilities especially on SPLM Side. As parties to the agreement compete over the control of majority of our Civil Population it will be unrealistic for neither the leadership of our Historical party to leave this huge number of potential voters without representation in the National nor the State Government. Our party is going through the transition and for our Masses to remain Loyal we should implement our documents so that everyone feels presented by the party in his/her constituency. later on it is going to easier the processes of masses mobilization during election.

We have many opposition who are looking keenly on us in order to grasp the opportunity through any slights mistake that our party may have committed. That is why it’s important to use the party organs when nominating the cadres that are going to serve in the various capacities in the Government instead of community and friendship kind of recommendation.

Because what will matter in years to come is a political program of the party since, our population is coming to their Sense that what matter is no longer the tribal affiliation but, a political program. Our party still have a high Chance of winning the trust of our civil population again and again since the others political Parties proved themselves beyond the reasonable doubt that they are not option to the people of South Sudan and the recent formation of R-TGOU is to approved to this fact.

Cde. Chairman, we cannot conclude this letter without acknowledging your recent speech while, Addressing the newly appointed six Governors on the SPLM ticket during their swearing in Ceremony as the SPLM interim chairpersons in their respective states, on which you clearly, directed them to formed their Government using the party recommendation. We were convene and agreed with that advice and terming it as a good Gesture in your leadership to regain the loyalty of the party members who might have felt disappointed by the involvement of the community or some imminent and influential figures from Greater Bor in the processes of by recommending the above-mentioned members who are particularity from Bor County as if SPLM is only for Bor and others Greaters with in Jonglei are not, Deputy Governor of Jonglei state for SPLM on our owns views shall go to Greater Fangak particularly( Pigi, Ayod and Fangak Counties) with this our party will Continue to be the first choice of our people.


Cde. Salva Kiir Mayardit Oyee

SPLM unite never be defeated!

SPLM organize never be defeated!

SPLM move for unity, equality and progress.

1. Cde Manyang Gatluak Bany
Fangak County
Tell. 0914499329
Reachable through Manyangjames

2. Cde: Gatluak Bol
Ayod County
Tel.(+211) (0) 916668616

3. Cde: James Opiew Otong
Akobo County
Tel. ( +211) (0) 927522333

4. Cde. Deng Monyjok Deng, Pigi County
Tel. ( +211) (0) 924800071

5. Cde. Gordon Koang malieth, Akobo county

6. Cde. Charles Majiek chuong, Fangak County

7. Cde. Jany Kuajien Tut, Akobo County

8. Cde. Gatkuoth kun Lam, Akobo County

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