
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

My Identity is not a Refugee! My Identity is not an IDP

3 min read

By Dr. Ben Guarken Chiman, Juba, South Sudan

Tuesday, August 04, 2020 (PW) — I’m not a Refugee, I am proud South Sudanese. I’m truly an African, a proud African childIn my soul, I am a proud free man, I’m a proud and a free African woman!

My identity is not an IDP, Many conflicts do not define me, Daily deaths do not define me, Deadly weapons do not define me either, My country and color are my identity!

Please fathom this, POC is not my home! In there, I have no food, I have no clothes. Inside that compound I have no privacy, school or medication.

In that POC, I have no future, I am a wanderer, and I’m hopeless!

I was not born to run from country to country,I was not born to kneel to aliens and beg for mercy daily. I’m losing my teeth in a foreign land.

My hair is growing grey while on the run. I have aching bones;

I need to rest my muscles. My legs hurt, my eyes are dim. I need to take my bones home, please I need peace, and I need a piece of my land! 

I need to be called a grandfather and a grandmother. I need to tell my children all the African riddles. They must know their culture. 

I must show the world my culture. I need to dance and sing in my language. My gods should dance and laugh out loud with me!

Being called a refugee is not my identityI am a proud South Sudanese with beautiful cultureIndeed, I am a proud Junubi.

I was born in a foreign land; it was not my choice,It was not my parents’ choice too. I was born in the POC, it was not my choice either!

God has endowed my land with blessings! I need to go home and tilt my land; I need to rear my cattle, I must swim in my rivers; I have to enjoy my weather.

Please, I am proud to be called a South Sudanese; I’m proud to be called an African, I’m proud to be called Latuko, Acholi, Murle, Anyuak, Bari…etc.

I’m not a refugee. I am not proud to stay in a POC or in a refugee camp!

I am a South Sudanese, graduated from Sudan at Bahri university college of medicine , MBBS. Currently residing in Sudan. With a lot of interest on refugees affairs.

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