
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

South Sudan: A shameless government that doesn’t learn from its own mistakes for a decade

3 min read

By Malong Akoch, Juba, South Sudan

Saturday, August 15, 2020 (PW) — J1 and their cronies are quiet as if nothing terrible happened between soldiers and armed civilians in Tonj East. Which government on Earth that invest millions of dollars to train its armed forces only to be attacked and almost wiped out by armed civilians aka Gelweng and no serious action taken against the culprits?!

Which extent does the government want this country to reach in order to be serious? Why do we even have a government in this country? Such a failed government, a government that only knows how to kill her own innocent people and reward thieves, rebels and saboteurs.

A government that is good in stealing public resources and acts “don’t care”. A government that doesn’t even take care of her wounded soldiers. A government that doesn’t feed her own soldiers leave alone civil population.

A government that doesn’t believe in itself but believe in witchcrafts who keep confusing leaders; if witches could solve problems then they could have been used to solve all problems facing us in this country.

I have been keeping my chest out all these years thinking that this leadership will improve but all in vain!

It’s a leadership that even if it’s given a 100 more years, it will not improve. A country being led by heartless leaders who only care for their stomachs!


I miss Dr. John Garang and his original SPLA/M leadership..I won’t explain this so much for I know everybody who was in SPLA liberated areas knows what it meant that time to slap a soldier leave alone murdering one.

I wonder what the current leadership lacks. If it’s logistics, airforce, ground force, money and everything that a state needs for provide and maintain security to her people..all are available!

A shameless government that doesn’t learn from its own mistakes for a decade and one year. A government that’s full of vices to the extent of a deliberate scheming of getting rid of future generation in style.

A country where soldiers serve for almost a year without salary, get wounded without proper treatment and eventually die hungry while defending hungry jerks.

A country where useless people with brief case companies who do not have single employee or even an office get away with million dollars; such misplaced opportunities and priorities are pathetic!

A country where its leaders don’t believe in their intellectuals but rather believe in quack foreign expertises. A leadership that doesn’t differentiate gifts from hoaxes. A leadership that rely on foreign aid rather than building her own capacity.

For instance, the case of Egypt is disturbing; How can Egypt who depends on USAID provides Medicare for South Sudan? USA alone has failed its own Medicare leave alone Egypt.

South sudanese government really need to stop being dump!

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