
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Obituary: Tributes to Paramount Chief Malong Yor Lual of Ajuong, Aweil Dinka

4 min read

By Dr. Aldo Ajou Deng Akuey, Juba, South Sudan

Monday, August 17, 2020 (PW) — Paramount Chief Malong Yor Lual (Chief Yor Ajuong) of Ajong Giet Malual, Agurpiny Apath, and Wun Deng has passed on yesterday,10 August 2020, peacefully at his home, at Madhol Yor Maker, the headquarters of Ajuongdit. Chief Malong Yor Lual (approximately-1927 to 2020)-was the third in the reign of Ajuong chieftaincy, after his stepbrother, chief Lual Yor Lual, who died in the early 1960s. Chief Malong Yor Lual was appointed in the 1960s among the second generation of the 21 chiefs of Aweil.

The first generation being Chiefs: 1. Aguer Geng Atem of Lou, 2. Yor Lual of Ajuongdit, 3. Makuac Kuol of Apuoth, Makuac and Wun Anei, 4. Tong Tong Tong of Ajuong Thii, 5. Deng Rual of Akanyjok, 6. Ngong Ngong Gau of Wun Diing Chol, 7 Kuac Ngor Makuel of Duluit, 8 Achien Yor wal of Korok, 9. Diing Wol Reec of Athokthou, 10. Nyuol Deng Geng of Duluit Nyuol, 11. Nyuol Aturjong of Peth Atak, 12. Lual Dau of Akuang Ayat, 13. Autiak Akot Dengdit of Gomjuer, 14. Kuac Kuac Mayiel of Chimel, 15. Mawien Diing Akol of Ajuet (after his father Diing Akol)+Aweil Town court of Chief Abdellah ChakChak; 16. Chief Ajiing Upiu of Aroyo, 17. Chief Unguec Ajongo of Bar-Mayen, 18. Chief Wek Ateny of Ajak, 19. Chiek Dut Jok of Kongder, and 20. Chief Ariath Kon of Buon-Chuai.

These were/are the territories and sections that composed Aweil (the present Northern Bahr Al Ghazal State-NBGS).

This federal system of the whole Dinka territories then and now, compose of provinces and Greater Regions of Bahr Al Ghazal, Upper Nile, and Equatoria were adopted and ruled by the British/Egyptians’ colonial Condominium Government from 1921 to 1956 and continued under Khartoum from 1956 to 2011 and finally from 2011 to 2020, at the time, the SPLM/SPLA’s General-Liberator and veteran Chief Malong Yor Lual (Yor Ajuong) Died.

I remember Chiefs, members of Malong’s “THE SECOND GENERATION” that had passed on before him: Chief Gaitano Kom Geng Atem, Kuol Makuac Kuol, Tong Tong Tong (Tong Ahew), Dut Deng Rual, Dut Ngong Gau (Dut Malek), Wal Achien Yor (replaced by Achien Maluech), Reech Diing Wol, Bol Deng Geng, Aturjong Anyuon, Riiny Lual Dau, Albino Akot Autiak Akot, Kuac Akuac (mayiel himself lived two generations), Mawien Diing Akol, Ajiing Upiu (two generations as well), Akol Unguec Ajongo, Akol Wek Ateny, Kon Dut Jok, Geng Ariath Kon and others

On the other hand, the British Condominium Government established independent courts all over Aweil then and now: Court Presidents: Mel Tong for Low and Ajoung Yor, Deng Akuei Ajou for Abiem centre of Apuoth, Makuac Athian, Wun Anei and Ajuong Thii of Tong Tong, Machuar Rual for Abiem West of Akanyjok, Wun Diing and Duluit Kuac Ngor, Athian Mawien for Korok and Atokthou, Deng Deng Akot for Duluit Deng Geng and Peth Atak Wol Dhum, Aguer Diing for Gumjuer and Akuang Ayat, Akot Aru for Ajuet, chimel, Aweil and Aroyo, Akol Akol Ateny for Ajak, Kongdeer, Bar-Mayen and Buonchuai and Town court of Aweil, headed by Abdellah Chakchak.

This was the system that governed Aweil then and now governs and provides justice, though the present government of the Republic of South Sudan has failed and failing to maintain the status quo, a failure which has terribly created violence and general insecurity everywhere in South Sudan, as we speak. But Aweil still holds on the traditions and fragile security.

In the commemoration of our passed on Aweillian generations, let’s celebrate, Malongdit burial with a message that all is well. We are free from Khartoum “at last!” President Salva Kiir Mayardit consistency along with our heroes led then by William Deng Nhial, Joseph Oduho, Gardon Mortat/Camilo Dhol Kuac, and conclusively by our icon Dr. John Garang de Mabior.

I am sure Malongdit shall deliver our message that “the SPLM is failing if it has not totally failed.”

We are, therefore, obliged to celebrate these foregoing generations in the image of Great Chief Malong Yor Lual Ajok. For Malong family, Ajuong ku Lou, Abiem, Malual Buoth Anyar, Paliupiny, the Lou of Chief Unguec Ajongo and Paliet,and the whole of South Sudan join us in prayers for our fatherChief Malong Yor Ajuong, May our father God with support of Jesus and Holy spirit received his soul in eternal peace in heaven forever! Amen.

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