
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Jieng Theology of Leadership: Unity in Diversity and Social Progress

2 min read

The Customary Laws of the Greater Bor Dinka Community: Legal and Basic Rules for Self-Administration, 2017 Paperback – 28 Jul 2017, edited by Makwei Mabioor Deng (Editor), available on Amazon

By Gabriel Kuchdit Kachuol, Nairobi, Kenya

Just as there is unity in diversity
There, too, is diversity in unity;
Unity in diversity is nationality;
Nationality is basically a society
society is a diversely united reality;
Reality is change and being at once
reality becomes another as it changes
But never into another does it change.

Diversity in unity is identity

identity is the individuation

Individuation is the difference

Difference is the independence

independence is evolution

of the individual in diversity.

Evolution is either constructive or destructive

Constructive if directed with wisdom of a creator

destructive if directed with wisdom of a dictator;

A creator is a leader, not a dictator who’s destructive.

Wisdom is the power from above but is operative

quantitatively or qualitatively in the representative

of below; a leader is not a god above people

but a priest representing not God but people

who, as a movement within Divinity above,

seeks to live below like Divinity above

so that as it is above, so it is below.

Divinity is the primal mystery

manifested in the multiplicity

of and activities of beings,

whose ‘experiential abstraction’

(or a mere self-extrapolation?)

shows creatures as participants in the ALL

who is the True All in and above all

Who is the Divinity.

man who is the trinity

participates in the Divinity

through sacrifice

and presence

and belonging

of being to being – (man to man!)

The poet, Gabriel Kuchdit Kachuol, is a South Sudanese Student in Nairobi, Kenya. Can be reached via:

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