
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Family Press Release: Events Surrounding the Killing of Maj. Gen. Bior Ajoh Bior in Sherkat, Juba

1 min read

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1 thought on “Family Press Release: Events Surrounding the Killing of Maj. Gen. Bior Ajoh Bior in Sherkat, Juba

  1. That is why our country will never have peace and stability. My condolences to the families of both Lual Marine and Gen. Bior Ajoh Bior. They have died innocent and deserve to be remembered. But my point is that people should not relate how the two generals have died. And for the recent incidence (murdering of Gen. Bior) has nothing to do with Gen. Lual’s family. All of the above mentioned information are incorrect due to the followings

    -the reliable source said that the killer is not from Lual’s family and thus there is no reason to carry out an avenge.

    -the source also said that Gen. Bior Ajoh Bior was killed inside his house.
    -and if he (Gen. Bior) was killed at the cheese place, then where were the bodyguards during the shooting? Where were the bodyguards when the killer took three hours with he body of Gen. Bior? I think this article is conveying and preaching lies.

    For those who have murdered Gen. Lual and still mention his name wrongly in the social media as such, will one day regret especially when the time comes for an avenge.

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