
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Gen. Dr. Akol Ayii Madut is the Best Custom Services Director General for South Sudan

5 min read

Gen. Dr. Akol Ayii Madut (PhD) is not a corrupt leader, he is the best Custom Services Director General ever

By Kuek Deng Kuek, Juba, South Sudan

Thursday, August 20, 2020 (PW) — First and foremost, corruption is defined in its layman definition asan act of dishonesty and fradulent conduct by those in power that involves brobery or is a process by which something typically, a word or expression is changed from its original meaning to something debased or erroneously.for the context of south sudanLate Dr. John Garang has described corruption as a big animal that cannot be caught using a net.

However, General Dr. Akol Ayii Madut (PhD) is a south Sudanese respectable General in the ministry of  interior, he has been working under ministry of interior specifically in the department of Custom services in Wau till he became the national Director General of Custom services. How comes for Oyoti to tarnish the name of our respectable educated General with corruption?

General Dr. Akol Ayii Madut came from royal family background, his father was a great man in the history of south sudan, he has fought for change in then Sudan, he was a great Chief in Kuac Community and he fought the war of liberation struggle till we got our independence on July 2011.

Ayii Madut also known as Ayii Machdit, the father of our leader, the current Director General of Custom services married to more than 20 wives and he has educated his children including General Akol Ayii Madut. He is now a PhD holder from a recognized University. He has a very rich background, his great personality canot be allowed to be spoiled by those of Oyoti who are deriving the agenda which is best known to them. 

General Dr. Akol Ayii Madut is a person of high and moral integrity, he is dependable, he is not known of cartelism, he is not known of corruption. He led a very successful custom services when he was working in Wau and I think it was because of the good work has has done that made him to be promoted as Director General of National Custom services. He is not like Oyoti who is always there to shout at the national partiliament in order to be appointed as a minister. He has not led any successful institution one day. Gen. Dr. Akol Ayii Madut has not practiced any sort of embezzlement or corruption because of the following reasons

1. In fact, on the records, General Dr. Akol Ayii Madut is the only national custom services Director to be appreciated because since he came to this office, he first observe what we truly called financial public accountability by reading the amounts of dollars and pounds to the public for almost 5 months.

2. He is the only man who has created the bank account of national revenue taxes collected to be banked in the government account.

3. He is the only General or Director who has trained more than 20 officers on national revenue  collection skills and record keeping for smooth reporting system.

I wonder, that Oyoti was just doing this to discredit our general for no reason, in any country it is the work of Auditor General to audit the specified office, it is not a leader of subcommittee on economic cluster to do it. Oyoti is a minister of animal resources and fisheries. He represents a certain political party. He does not have a skills to audit a national director, it is the work of trained Auditor general who has the skills of financial Management.

If you go to the archives, January 10, 2019 The Gurtong Media reported that Director-General,  Gen. Akol Ayii Madut revealed that the Customs Services has made a remittance of about one billion South Sudanese Pounds and one hundred thousand United States Dollars from non-oil revenue collections in November and December last year.

Gen. Dr. Akol was addressing the press for the first time after assuming the office two months in his office, and i quote him saying that since I assumed office I made a remittance of 483,367,545 and a total of 42,860 USD in November, 548,967,828 SSP and 79,900 USD in December,” he said. According to Maj. Gen. Akol, in October, his predecessor made about 198,669,486 SSP.

Maj. Gen. Akol reiterated that the Customs Services has made significant improvement in revenue collection by identifying and closing loop holes in revenue collecton service.

He said South Sudan Customs Services will be updating the public after every three months on the progress of his administration.

The Cabinet in November last year approved the National Revenue Authority (NRA) Policy to enable it start full operations in order to streamline revenue collection.

The National Revenue Authority in December signed an agreement with eight Commercial Banks to open a single account to be used for the collection of the country’s domestic non-oil revenue.

Since his appointment early this year, the Commissioner General of the National Revenue Authority, Dr Olympio Attipoe, vowed to strengthen the revenue collection Authority and cut down on lost revenue in the process of tax collection.

As someone who has understood the commitment and competence of Gen. Akol, I wouldn’t agree with Oyoti, he is doing a political thing to tarnish the name of our respectable General. He is a man of integrity, he has fought corruption for many years. Oyoti must be told of this, Hon. Oyoti has missed the point completely.

The writer is a South Sudanese National, he could be reached via

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