
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Final Investigation Report – President Kiir’s Investigation Committee Over the Killing of Civilians in Sherkat, Juba, South Sudan, June 2020

1 min read
Sherkat killing

2 thoughts on “Final Investigation Report – President Kiir’s Investigation Committee Over the Killing of Civilians in Sherkat, Juba, South Sudan, June 2020

  1. I have read the report but some how it is enough for the decision makers to take an action. However, the disputed plot was not a graveyard/cemetery in the first place but only part of it was. According to the report, the entire place was rented out to the people/traders from Bor for the business purposes and not for the burial. So, Lt. Lual and his group should not be accused of destroying any people grave yard. Lt. Lual was killed because he blocked a toilet, as it is stated clearly in the report.

    Many readers including myself believe that there is bias and lack of transparency in this report. Those who reported the findings are not fair because they have exposed only civilian dead bodies while excluding Lt. Lual’s body.


  2. I have read the report but some how it is enough for the decision makers to take an action. However, the disputed plot was not a graveyard/cemetery in the first place but only part of it was. According to the report, the entire place was rented out to the people/traders from Bor for the business purposes and not for the burial. So, Lt. Lual and his group should not be accused of destroying any people grave yard.

    Lt. Lual was killed because he blocked a toilet, as it is stated clearly in the report. Many readers including myself believe that there is bias and lack of transparency in this report. Those who reported the findings are not fair because they have exposed only civilian dead bodies while excluding Lt. Lual’s body.


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