
PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Media is not an enemy of state in the Republic of South Sudan

7 min read
Beek Mabior,

The author, Beek Mabior, is a concerned South Sudanese citizen and independent opinion writer

By Beek Mabior, Nairobi, Kenya

Monday, September 07, 2020 (PW) — The uniqueness of the media in the world cannot be disputed. Media is the voice of the voiceless and it is an eye of the society. The significance of media is indisputable. Media is crucial in the development of democracy, freedom of speech and human rights. Media is not an enemy of any country globally. Media is not a crime but a mirror that reflect the social, political and economic fields and how they affect the societies on earth. Media always seek to bring to light those areas that need improvement and development in any particular country. Media aspire for a better transformation and progress in any nation earth wide.

Furthermore, There’re various types of media in the world today and they include print media, social media, television, radios, and the internet. Moreover, there are different roles of the media in the modern world. The main role of the media is communication. Media allows the passing of information from one person to another through the use of mobile phones, televisions, radios, newspapers, internet and email. Additionally, media acts as a watchdog for transparency, accountability and implementation of government’s activities. Media also help to create awareness to the general public against any malpractice in the society and government. Media likewise monitor and evaluate the government to make it accountable and transparent. In addition to that, media is a great source of entertainment and this is seen from the movies shown on the television, talent search shows, magazines and social media.

Moreover, media also play a crucial role in the creation of awareness and sensitization. For instance, the radios reach out to both the rural and urban populations and help to create awareness on different programs that can benefit them. Media enlightens the public on their rights, liberties, different policies and how they affect them either directly or indirectly. Additionally, media is vital for socialization and for example, the televisions have shaped the attitude and behavior of folks across the globe. The portrayal of various characters in the movies and shows have greatly affected the behavior and culture of people that affect family and societal relations. The media serve as transmitters of social messages and it help the masses to understand what are considered acceptable types of behavior.

Media help in cultural transmission. Furthermore, mass communication exists in order to observe and inform. The media keeps people informed about the current affairs such as news and events. Moreover, during the times of crisis, mass media always offer instructions, information and warnings to the public. And for instance, during natural calamities such as coronavirus pandemic, hurricanes and tsunamis, both the traditional and social media outlets are the main tools to pass on information about the way of an impending storm or to inform the public about the crises, business closures, schools, hospitals and how to seek shelters, foods, medicines and find evacuation paths. Additionally, government also used media to inform and protect people with crucial updates.

Furthermore, as you can see from the above explanations about the important role of the media around the world. Why do some people see media as any enemy of state? Why do some people think that media is not vital in the national development of any country? Why do some governments across the world hate media yet it is media which pass their manifestos during the election’s season to the public? Why do some folks think that media is a crime in any country? Why are people not appreciating the fourth power (media) in the society? Why do some governments across the world mistreat, arrest, tortured and killed journalists? Why do people of the world failed to support members of the fourth estate? Why are we not supporting the brave fighters of democracy, human rights, justice, equality, nation-building and freedom of speech in South Sudan?

Additionally, I personally salute, respect and appreciate our great, gallant and intelligent journalists and media around the world and South Sudan. I wish I could have financial and security on my side so that I can protect and support media houses in South Sudan and across the world in their wonderful journalistic and nationalistic task. They journalists are heroes and heroines in our world and we need to support and honor them in whatever way we can in life. The uniqueness of the media outlets in South Sudan cannot be hide in the eyes of the public and the entire world. Look at the wonderful role of Paanluel Wel Media under the bold leadership of wise managing editor and author of the best-selling books about Dr. John Garang and President Salva Kiir Mayardit. Look at the fantastic role of Nyamilepedia Media under the smart and valiant leadership of Tor Madira Machier.

Look at the lovely role of Sudans Post Media under the heroic leadership of Editor-in-Chief. Look at the fearless, truth-fighter, respectable and influential newspaper, The Dawn Daily Newspaper under the brave, intelligent and rare leadership of Emmanuel Monychol, George Justin and Benjamin Takpiny. Look at the Juba Monitor Newspaper under the courageous leadership of beautiful madam Anna Nimiriano and fearless “Yaba” Odongo Odoyo and many other great and fantastic media outlets across South Sudan. The role of media is wide and its description in full details can be over a hundred books if you sincerely want to understand the world and knowledge of media. I’m not an expert in the media field but the above media leaders, managing editors and experts of media profession in South Sudan are the ones who can greatly describe the skills, knowledge and uniqueness of their wonderful profession than me. Media’s personnel are like soldiers in the frontline. They’re like people sitting on fire while beating the drum of truth and reforms in South Sudan and around the world. The journalists are people who’ve risk their lives in the world for the search of realities, reforms and civilization of the globe’s citizenry. They journalists are reality-fighters, freedom’s warriors and advocators of democracy and human rights.

They’re not political enemies and competitors of governments around the world. They only desire to influence peaceful reforms in the social, political and economic fields across the planet. If anyone detest journalists and veracities they’re advocating for, then automatically, he/she is an enemy of realities and reforms. If anyone kill a journalist, then he/she have kill a reality in the society and not a journalist as an individual. If anyone wrongly arrest and torture a journalist for having report the truth, then he/she has wrongly arrest and torture the truth and not the individual journalist. If anyone silent and intimidate the journalist from doing his/her job, then he/she has silent and intimidate the voice of the voiceless and the eye of the society. Without our wise and brave media’s personnel, we’ll be like people dwelling in the darkness and we’ll suffer from the poverty of crucial information in our world.

Journalists have no political dreams to take power by force from any government around the world. They only have dreams and goals for better and prosperous world. They want realities and reforms that’ll benefit humankind on earth. They want a peaceful and prosperous South Sudan. And I’d like to kindly appeal to our government in South Sudan under the Presidency of his excellency President Salva Kiir Mayardit and Dr. Riek Machar plus the entire government to support and work in cooperation with media outlets across the country so that they’ll preach the message of peace, love, unity and political stability to our citizenry across the nation and in the diaspora. We need our journalists to assist in the implementation of the revitalized peace agreement in South Sudan by informing the citizenry daily about peace progress. I also urge our esteemed international development partners and foreign allies to help media outlets in South Sudan. Our brave and excellent journalists are doing terrific job and they need support in the areas of democracy, human rights, financial aid, capacity building and freedom of speech in South Sudan.

The author, Beek Mabior, is a concerned South Sudanese citizen and independent opinion writer who can be reached via his Email:

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